P. 23

Insider R01-A1  2007.10.24 9:15 AM  ˘           ` 33   ¿ ¿¡‰”  300DPI 100LPI

                     1. The word  coined  in the passage is closest in meaning to               ( Vocabulary Question       A
                        (A) discovered
                                                                                                                            Chapter 1
                        (B) translated
                        (C) purchased
                        (D) invented

                     2. The word  postulated  in the passage is closest in meaning to           ( Vocabulary Question

                        (A) accepted
                        (B) proven
                        (C) rejected
                        (D) proposed

                     3. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in  ( Sentence Simplification
                        the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the     Question
                        meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
                        (A) In big cities, the multiple dialects that existed combined to become a
                           more understandable common dialect.
                        (B) A single regional dialect was chosen in the cities because it was more
                           comprehensible than other regional dialects.
                        (C) Many regions of England spoke different dialects, but over time these
                           dialects merged into a single language.
                        (D) In big cities, everyone understood one dialect, but in rural areas it split
                            up into a number of regional dialects.

                     4. According to paragraph 2, the Black Plague                              ( Fact Question
                        (A) separated the French and English people
                        (B) basically killed everyone who spoke Middle English
                        (C) caused more people to move into metropolitan areas
                        (D) triggered a German migration into English lands

                        Paragraph 2 is marked with an arrow [.].

                                                                                             Basic Comprehension Questions 33
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