Page 19 - I listening 일부
P. 19
Answer Book p. A2
12 What is the main idea of this lecture? 15 Listen again to part of the lecture.
HIDE TIME 00 : 19 : 35 ? (A) The development of the railroad in the Then answer the question.
What does the professor mean when she
says this:
(B) The role the railroad plays in the U.S.
economy (A) She believes there should be more
Passage 3 [12-17] Listen to part of a lecture in a U.S. history class.
(C) Social and economic problems caused by benefits from working in the railway
the railway industry.
(D) How to secure employment in the railway (B) She considers that the railway industry is
sector a relatively easy field to get a job in.
(C) She thinks the railway industry is a
profitable industry to work in.
(D) She feels the workers in the railway sector
are overpaid.
13 Why does the professor mention the
commuter train?
(A) To appreciate its role in daily life
(B) To contrast its structure to that of the
16 According to the professor, what are the
freight train
U.S. History
(C) To differentiate the role of the freight train public benefits of freight trains?
(D) To illustrate extended roles of the train in Click on 2 answers.
the nineteenth century (A) They are more fuel efficient.
(B) They catalyze the real estate boom.
(C) They relieve highway congestion.
(D) They provide faster shipment of goods.
14 According to the lecture, how did the
railway help the American West?
(A) By promoting local business growth
(B) By convincing people to enter the 17 What can be inferred about the railroad
transportation industry system in the U.S.?
(C) By transporting early European-American (A) It assures high salaries and benefits.
settlers (B) It was a mostly used means of
(D) By producing a number of high-paying jobs transportation in the past.
(C) It guarantees unemployment problem
(D) It stretches throughout the mainland of
the U.S.
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