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P. 11


                                         TOEFL iBT Integrated Writing Rubrics

                    Score                                Task Description
                      5   An essay at this level:
                          Is highly successful in organization, selection, and presentation of material. Errors may
                          occur but are not significant.
                      4   An essay at this level:
                          Is generally successful in organization, selection, and presentation of material, but some
                          points may be inaccurate or vague and need added elaboration. Errors in structure,
                          spelling, and use of idioms may occur but do not affect the overall result greatly.
                      3   An essay at this level:
                          Includes some important material but may not connect points in the reading to points in
                          the lecture adequately. A key point from the lecture may be absent, and errors in usage
                          may affect meaning in some cases.
                      2   An essay at this level:
                          Does not include all pertinent information and may show problems with inaccuracy or
                          omissions. The response may miss the basic connection between lecture and reading and/or
                          misrepresent major points from the lecture. Errors in usage affect meaning strongly.

                      1   An essay at this level:
                          Essentially has no connection with material in the lecture. Usage is so inappropriate that
                          meaning is hard to understand.
                      0   An essay at this level merely repeats the topic verbatim, addresses a different topic
                          instead, or is otherwise unrelated to the topic. The essay may be written in the wrong
                          language or consist only of keystroke characters. There may be no response at all.

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