Page 9 - TEST BOOK
P. 9
TOEFL iBT Integrated Speaking Rubrics
Score General Description Delivery Language Use Topic Development
4 The response is Shows clear, Shows good use of Has adequate,
adequate, sustained speech and vocabulary, grammar, sustained response.
understandable, is highly and structures (both Overall, the response
and coherent. A understandable. complex and basic). is coherent and
response at this There may be minor There may be minor shows relationships
level: flaws in intonation or errors, but these are between ideas
pronunciation, but not significant. clearly despite minor
these are not errors.
3 The response is Has clear speech but Uses vocabulary and Is coherent and
generally successful, may show problems grammar effectively successful as a
understandable and with intonation, and is generally whole but may be
coherent, but may pronunciation, and coherent. There may inaccurate and
not be completely pacing. The listener be problems with incomplete in some
developed and may may have trouble vocabulary and ways such as
be unclear in places understanding grammar. Structures content and
because of portions of the may show a narrow expression of ideas.
weakness in response, although range.
expressing ideas. A the response as a
response at this whole is
level: understandable.
2 The response Is mostly Shows limited Addresses the topic
addresses the topic understandable but command of to some extent but
but may be may suffer from vocabulary and may omit important
incomplete or flawed articulation, grammar. Meaning is information or fail to
inaccurate in some intonation, therefore unclear in develop information
respects. Speech is pronunciation, and places. Connections adequately. The
understandable, but pacing. between ideas are not speaker may have
meaning may be always apparent. misunderstood key
unclear at times. A ideas.
response at this level:
1 Shows poor Is not consistent in Shows very limited Has little appropriate
coherence, is not pronunciation, control and range of content and poor
closely related to intonation, and vocabulary and accuracy. Speaker
the topic, is very stress. Delivery is grammar, and weak may repeat selected
limited in content, uneven, with many connections between expressions, and the
or is hard to hesitations and ideas. Some prompt, often.
understand. A pauses. Meaning is responses may
response at this not clear. consist only of
level: isolated words.
0 Speaker does not respond or responds on an unrelated topic. [ 11 ]