Page 4 - m+ reading 일부
P. 4
M TOEFL Reading Structure
❶ PASSAGE 1 01
Scientists have identified several distinct forms of communication animals use to either
send or receive information in their environments. These methods of communication The word inherent in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
inherent to various animals are genetic adaptations to specific environments, providing A insolent
B indigenous
animals the necessary tools for survival and the perpetuation of their species.
실제 시험의 구성 및 난이도로 제작된 Diagnostic C inept
Electro-communication, the ability to produce and receive electric signals, is a method D innate
of communication used by some aquatic species for courtship, and marking territorial
test를 통하여 학습자가 자신의 실력을 스스로 점검 01
boundaries, as well as a mean of aggression and defense. Several species of fish is
known for possessing an electric organ that gives them the ability to create electric
fields and receive electric signals by the means of electro receptors located throughout
할 수 있도록 하였으며, 이 결과에 따라 수준에 맞 CHAPTER
their bodies. One of the most well known examples is the electric eel, which is able to
stun its predators and prey by generating electric shocks that may contain up to several 02
hundred volts of electricity.
는 학습을 진행할 수 있도록 하였다. Why have animals developed distinct means of communication?
Another unique form of animal communication is referred to as thermal communication. A As a means of establishing territorial boundaries
Some species have the ability to sense infrared radiation which allows them to detect B As a response to other species’ genetic adaptations
prey even in total darkness. Although this physiological adaptation is most commonly C As a response to the primary need of acquiring food
seen in serpents such as rattlesnakes, boas and pythons, other types of animals are also D As a means of ensuring the propagation of their species
found to possess this ability including several species of beetles, vampire bats and bed Vocabulary
bugs. In the case of snakes, heat-sensitive pit organs in their face can detect and respond
to slightest thermal fluctuation in the environment, allowing them to accurately measure
the distance of the heat source. Some snakes are even known to detect potential prey
at a distance of about one meter and use their facial pit organ for orienting and striking
towards it. 03
The word them in paragraph 2 refers to
Seismic communication refers to the ability to detect vibrations emitted in a particular
environment. Elephants demonstrate this ability through the strong rumbling sounds A electric eels
they produce, which are not only transmitted through the air, but also through the C electric signals ▶ 난이도: Easy – Medium
B species of fish ▶ 지문당 출제 문항 수: 3 - 5
ground. A Other elephants are able to pick up these rumbling sounds in the ground and
❷ discern the location of elephants producing the vibrations. B Studies have also shown D territorial boundaries
Vocabulary Questions ask you to find the meaning of words or phrases in the
that elephants can respond to seismic vibrations created by their environment. C
passage. The words and phrases are highlighted for you. In order to answer the
Elephants are able to follow seismic vibrations to an area of rainfall when they search
for water. D Vocabulary Questions, you need to understand the context or the situation of the
Echolocation is the ability of an animal to send out sound waves which hit objects and
각 문제 유형에 따른 기본 개념과 접근 방법을 알아 04
then bounce back as vibrations to the animal. Consequently, these allow animals to
identify where objects are located in their surroundings. Bats, toothed-whales and Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a purpose of electro-communication?
dolphins have all shown the ability to use echolocation. In the case of dolphins, they EXAMPLES OF
보고, 예제를 통해 실제 TOEFL iBT 문제를 경험 A To designate territorial limits
produce high-frequency clicks to echolocate objects nearby. In addition to determining
B To identify the location of prey
the shape and size of an object, this ability allows dolphins to determine the speed, C To acquire a mate
한다. distance, direction of travel and even some basic facts about the internal structure of D To attack predators
objects in the water around them. This information is critical for dolphins to find food
and navigate in dark or murky waters. Vocabulary Questions
• The word in the passage is closest in meaning to
• The phrase in the passage is closest in meaning to
APPLICATION Jericho is a city located in the West Bank near the Jordan River. What
makes this place extraordinary is that it may be the world’s oldest
inhabited city, with evidence of settlement dating back as far as 9,000
예시 문제를 통해 구체적이며 단계적인 문제 풀이
The word extraordinary in the paragraph is closest in meaning to
전략을 활용해보고 연습한다. A famous
B lavish
C special
D typical
Point 01 Find the Meaning of the Sentence with a Target Word
“What makes this place extraordinary ...”
⇢ “... it may be the world’s oldest inhabited city ...”
Point 02 Find Clues from Supportive Sentences
“... with evidence of settlement dating back as far as 9,000 B.C.E.”
⇢ the world’s oldest inhabited city ⇢ not ordinary
Word Analysis- Roots, Prefix, Suffix
Point 03 Read the paragraphs and answer the questions. Each question asks you to use a context clue
to help you find the meaning of the highlighted word.
❹ 01 extra + ordinary ⇢ extra- (outside, beyond) + ordinary (normal, usual, typical) 03
⇢ very unusual, remarkable, unusually great, special
Point 04 Vog is a type of air pollution that is formed when sulfur dioxide and other gases react with Catacombs are underground passageways and cemeteries made by humans for religious
Conclusion – Eliminate Wrong Answers
extraordinary = not normal or ordinary
sunlight, oxygen, and moisture. It is naturally present in the Kilauea volcano on the Island of practice. The most notable are the catacombs of Rome, where many religious figures such CHAPTER 01
각 문제 유형에 필요한 기초 스킬을 익히고, 간단한 Hawaii, where 2,000 to 4,000 tons of sulfur dioxide is emitted every day. It can be hazardous as martyrs, popes and Christians were buried in the middle of the second century. The
⇢ This word means greater or better than normal as being the oldest occupied
to the environment as well as to humans, damaging crops and causing various negative official cemetery of the Church of Rome is called the Catacombs of St. Callixtus, named
city in the world. The most suitable answer is C , which is a synonym for
연습문제를 통해 이를 점검한다. health effects such as headaches and lung damage. after the man who Pope Zephyrinus appointed as administrator in the third century.
The word emitted in the paragraph is closest in meaning to The word notable in the paragraph is closest in meaning to
정답 C
어휘 extraordinary 특별한, 비상한, 보기 드문 famous 유명한 lavish 호화로운
A released special 특별한, 독특한 typical 전형적인 A immense
B evaporated B renowned
C burnt C noble
D admitted D insignificant
CHAPTER 01 Vocabulary 35
People’s tendency to be reluctant to help those who are in need or distress has raised a The state of the number of people neither growing nor declining is referred to as Zero
major question as to whether or not humans can be truly altruistic like a good Samaritan. Population Growth (ZPG). This condition of demographic balance is created when the
Some claim that people tend to perform selfless acts such as helping or sharing when the sum of births and immigrants together is equal to that of deaths and emigrants. ZPG is
ultimate reward is to benefit the self, or to serve the individual’s personal gratification. considered ideal for accomplishing long-term environmental sustainability of the planet;
However, socialists find that people’s reluctancy comes from a helper’s good intentions less human competition will eventually leave surroundings less damaged and therefore
often being misunderstood, and then sued or punished for helping. there will be more resources.
The word gratification in the paragraph is closest in meaning to The word ideal in the paragraph is closest in meaning to
A gratitude A helpful
B suffering B creative
C satisfaction C challenging
D emotion D optimal
36 M + TOEFL READING CHAPTER 01 Vocabulary 37