Page 5 - m+ reading 일부
P. 5
Read the paragraphs and answer the questions. Each question asks you to use a context clue to ❺
help you find the meaning of the highlighted word.
01 해당 문제 유형에 맞춘 짧은 독해문을 통해 앞서 배운
Animals and insects possess good ultrasonic hearing that allows them to hear what
humans cannot. Bats use ultrasounds, with frequencies ranging from 100 kHz and 200 kHz 기초 스킬을 반복한다.
to navigate in the darkness and detect their prey. Similarly, toothed whales like dolphins
use ultrasonic hearing in their navigational system to find and capture prey. Among the
same species, porpoises are known to have the highest hearing capacity at around 160 kHz.
Dogs can also hear sounds in the upper audible range of humans, so a dog whistle, which
emits high-frequency sounds, is used to call to dogs in their training.
The word detect in the paragraph is closest in meaning to
A locate
B test
C attract
D lighten
Read the paragraphs and answer the questions. Each question asks you to use a context clue to
help you find the meaning of the highlighted word.
02 After Germanic people moved out of unproductive, cold Scandinavia to the flourishing land Antibiotics are used to treat and prevent bacterial infection by killing or inhibiting the
of the Rhine late in the third century A.D., the Roman Empire deployed their armed forces growth of bacteria. Ever since they became widely available in the mid-1940s, antibiotics as CHAPTER 01
to block the barbarian frontiers from moving southward. However, the en-masse migration affordable even for those who do not have health insurance and easy to administer, either ❻
powerful medicines have saved countless lives around the world. Antibiotics can be used
The time before significant European influence on the cultures of the America is known as
of European tribes occurred from the early fourth century, referred to as the Migration to treat a wide variety of infections without causing many side effects. They are also quite
Period, and threatened as well as changed the Roman world immensely. This migration
the pre-Columbian era. While it is literally referred to as the period preceding Christopher
was regarded inexorable due to a population explosion, land scarcity, clashes of adjacent orally or via injection.
nations and tribes.
Antibiotics, however, are not effective in treating infections caused by viruses such as cold
Columbus’s exploration in 1492, the term pre-Columbian in practice includes decades and
The biggest reason for the Migration Period was the arrival of the Huns who stepped out of or flu, and may be harmful when overused or taken inappropriately. They can possibly
even centuries after the discovery of the American continents, during which indigenous
Central Asia and migrated westward towards the borders of the Roman Empire. The Huns, cause an allergic reaction for some people and trigger other symptoms such as digestion
issues, discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, and sensitivity to light. If antibiotics are not prescribed
cultures continued to develop. Asian nomads are thought to be the first to enter the
led by a mighty General Attila, pushed all other barbarians of Eastern Europe to migrate at the right dosage, the bacteria residing in the patient’s body can build a resistance,
other regions of Europe. This consequently plagued peoples dwelling Eastern and Central 실제 TOEFL iBT에서 제시되는 다양한 주제의 독해
Americas, crossing the Bering Land Bridge via watercraft along the Northwest coast. The
Europe as well as Iberian Peninsula and North Africa, leading to the fall of the Western meaning antibiotics may not work well in the future. Hence one should keep in mind that
Roman Empire. there are pros and cons of antibiotics and consult the doctor to decide whether or not to
theory of multiple genetic populations of Asiatic migration is supported by evidence found 지문들을 통해 본격적으로 독해 연습을 해본다.
take antibiotics for treatment and how much of them to take.
in mitochondrial DNA of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.
01 The word immensely in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A immediately 01 The word inhibiting in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
B greatly A hindering
C adversely
The word indigenous in the paragraph is closest in meaning to B inhabiting
C enhancing
D scarcely
D exhibiting
A genuine
B native
02 The word plagued in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to 02 The word trigger in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
C exotic
A infected
D diverse A impede
B affected
C argued B discharge
D tormented C induce
D intrigue
40 M + TOEFL READING CHAPTER 01 Vocabulary 41
Directions: The Reading section measures your ability to understand academic passages written
in English. You will read one passage and answer questions about it.
03 Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
Oceanography highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in
Oceanography, the study of the ocean also called marine science, has been attracting important ways or leave out essential information. CHAPTER 01
scientists’ attention as it holds a profound significance to global warming. A Among B The cause and effect of OHC rise should be examined as it threatens the world ❼ iBT PRACTICE
A Everyone should study oceanography as all humanity is responsible for OHC rise.
many reasons, ocean heat content (OHC), the heat stored in the ocean, is what many
scientists consider to be of great importance. B Absorbing more than 90 percent of the population.
energy of global warming, heat in the ocean causes thermal expansion of seawater, C It is challenging to analyze the causes and consequences of OHC rise.
leading to a global sea-level rise. C According to scientific research, it is clear that D Although the world does not pay much attention to OHC rise, its analysis is valuable
these problems are imminent as the findings indicate that the global sea surface has to human beings.
been rising 3.2 millimeters every year since 1993. D
The highlighted sentence is marked with an arrow [ ].
One of the oceanographic variables used to calculate the OHC is sea surface 실제 토플 시험과 같은 긴 지문을 읽고 문제를 풀며, 각
temperature (SST), which refers to the water temperature 1 to 20 millimeters below
the sea surface. Among a variety of techniques for measuring the SST, the most widely
available are thermometers and weather satellites. In addition to the sea-level rise, the 04 Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices and match them to the term
SST contributes to other phenomena of the Earth’s atmosphere such as the formation to which they relate. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question is 장에서 연습한 실력을 최종적으로 점검한다.
of sea fog and sea breezes. The temperature difference between warm water surface worth 3 points.
and cold air above can produce moisture that becomes condensed into vertically- Category Statements
developed clouds and snow showers. As the whole global population is vulnerable to
rising ocean heat and sea surface temperatures, their causes and consequences ought Select 2
to be systematically analyzed and addressed. OHC ●
01 The word imminent in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to Select 3
A critical B approaching C intimidating D distant SST
02 Look at the four squares [ ] that indicate where the following sentence could Answer Choices
be added to paragraph 1. A It comprises a large amount of heat from global warming.
B It can be measured by satellites.
This phenomenon of rising sea levels is a serious environmental issue because it
threatens coastal ecosystems and wildlife populations. C Its only consequence is sea level rise.
D It is a variable that has an effect on coastal winds and fog.
E It is a major cause of flooding.
Where would the sentence best fit? F It contributes to thermal expansion. ACTUAL TEST 1
PASSAGE 1 A A B B C C D D G It forms moisture that turns into clouds and rain.
42 SECTION M + TOEFL READING Question 1 of 41 HIDE TIME 00:19:35 Generally, once order is secured in the flock, relative stability and peace is maintained. 43
CHAPTER 01 Vocabulary
Naturally, minor skirmishes do occur from time to time between birds who attempt to
Pecking Order climb in rank. In this case, chickens and roosters may use body language to intimidate
others, such as waving their feathers in warning or in some cases may even fight each
Pecking order is a colloquial term which refers to a hierarchical system of social order other to the death.
created as a means of attaining and keeping order. Although the term is occasionally used
for humans these days, the origin of the expression can be traced back to research done ACTUAL TEST 1
on chickens in the early 1900s. In 1921, a German scientist named Thorleif Schjelderup- ❽ ACTUAL TEST
Ebbe studied the behavior of chickens and realized that they have established their own
ranking system of social dominance. This kind of social dominance in chickens and other 01
species of fowl is asserted through various acts, most notably pecking, where hens use Why does the author describe the pecking order among chickens?
their beaks to peck at other chickens in defense or aggression. A To explain hierarchical social behavior among chickens
The basic concept of a social hierarchy is present throughout the animal kingdom. By B To demonstrate why chickens are aggressive
developing a social hierarchy, different groups of animals can determine which animals C To show how chickens acquire food
will get priority for things like food and mates. The establishment of a social hierarchy D To determine why chickens fight with each other 2회분의 Actual Test를 통해 실전에서의 자신의 예상
also reduces the incidence of fighting among members of a group, resulting in a general
decrease in conflict and aggressive competition. 02
For the most part, animals have no need to be able to recognize individuals within the The word dominance in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to 점수를 가늠해 보고 실전 적응력을 높인다.
group because they use a “rule of thumb” to distinguish who is the more dominant A weakness
individual. In the case of chickens for example, a chicken defers to a larger one as it wants B achievement
to avoid any possibility of injury of a fight with the larger opponent. As a result, when fights C community
do break out between chickens, they are usually between chickens of similar size.
D authority
The pecking order is established very early on in a chicken’s life when it is raised in a
flock. A While eating, young chicks will peck at each other, and even bully each other, to
determine who gets to eat first. B As chickens grow up, the pecking order then has an 03
influence in other areas of their lives, such as drinking, egg laying, roosting and crowing. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
C As a result, chickens which rank lower in the pecking order are forced to roost in sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways
whatever areas are left over. D or leave out essential information.
Roosters also play a significant role in the pecking order of chickens. Alpha roosters, A A social hierarchy does not guarantee that its members will live peacefully without any
determined to be the most dominant, will crow to show their superiority to other chickens. B Animals are less likely to cause a struggle with the creation of a hierarchical social system.
They may also take on the role as leader of the flock. As leader of the flock, roosters will
protect the hens from predators, give the hens food, mate with them and drive away rivals C The creation of a social hierarchy mostly results in increased chances of infighting.
D The establishment of a strict social system results from a reduced incidence of fighting
from the flock.
among animals.
The highlighted sentence is marked with an arrow ( ).