Page 4 - Elite Air Fall 2023
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Construction remains on schedule for the Elite Air Jet Center, the aircraft management and charter company’s state-of-the-art han- gar facility slated for completion by 2025.
The Elite Air Jet Center, located at the St. Petersburg-Clearwater International Airport (PIE), is a new private terminal and han- gar intended to bring Elite Air’s customers door-to-door service. With an aggressive completion date in just more than one year, Elite Air President AJ Backer is delighted with the early progress.
“We expect construction delays, as occur in all projects,” Becker said. “But for now, all is going very smoothly.”
Elite Air has redefined aircraft man-
agement and charter services over the last
quarter century. Now, the Elite Air Jet
Center will offer the ultimate in end-to-
end support via a luxury private terminal
and customized hangar operation devoted solely to Elite Air customers.
The Elite Air Jet Center will feature a more than 7,000-square-foot private terminal and 65,000 square feet of hangar space. With a convenient entrance on Roosevelt
 The more than 70,000-square-foot Elite Air Jet Center will give customers comfort and convenience while adding valuable hangar supply to the local aerospace market.
Boulevard, the jet center makes Elite Air a seamless charter provider. All jet center hangar space is currently under con- tract, but Elite Air is accepting waiting list applications from qualified future residents. Email jetcenter@eliteair. com to apply.
Elite Air recently completed another Argus audit and has retained its platinum rating, making it nearly a decade and a half that the company has held the coveted certification.
Elite Air undergoes audits by Argus International Inc., which provides a proprietary aircraft charter operator rating and due diligence program, once every two years. Elite Air has been rated platinum since 2009.
To establish its rating system, Argus extracts data on op- erators around the world. The company uses a proprietary algorithm to score the gathered data, taking into account historical safety ratings, pilot background checks, and on- site safety audits. Argus categorizes each charter operation it analyzes in one of five categories: not rated, does not qualify, gold, gold plus and platinum. Only a few operators world- wide have been rated platinum as long as Elite Air.
To maintain its platinum status, Elite Air keeps compre-
hensive pilot and safety data, continuously updates its emer- gency response plan and safety management system, and passes Argus’ regular on-site audits with no fault findings or corrections required.
In addition to its third-party audits to ensure it meets the highest industry standards, Elite Air completes annual drills as part of its safety management system, which is not re- quired for operations but is an industry best practice. In ad- dition to being Argus Platinum, Elite Air is a Wyvern Regis- tered Operator.
“We take all of our industry ratings extremely seri- ously,” Elite Air CEO Gray Gibbs said. “Elite Air will always strive to not only meet but exceed all industry standards on operational safety. We owe that much to our management and charter customers, and we owe it to our own personnel, as well.”

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