Page 10 - Property Management
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        & INCREASES

        Your Portfolio Manager will perform periodic reviews   RENT AL ARREARS
        of your property’s rent to ensure that you maximise
        its potential, as well as making all necessary rental   Most renters pay their rent on time, usually on the
        payments and managing any instances of                 second of every month. Your Portfolio Manager will use
        rental arrears.                                        a strict 4 step process:
                                                               1.  Rent is 3 to 5 days in arrears: Your Portfolio
        REN T AL REVIEWS                                           Manager sends the tenant a text message or calls
                                                                   them on the phone (along with a formal letter) to
        Your Portfolio Manager will monitor the rental             remind them of their overdue rent.
        market, paying particular attention to rental prices of
        comparable properties. A review of your property’s     2.  Rent is 6 to 10 days in arrears: A second text, call
        rent may be performed on a number of occasions,            or formal letter is sent to the tenant informing
        including at the end of a tenancy, during periodic         them of their rent arrears and warning them that if
        inspections and on a 6-monthly basis. If an increase       not paid immediately, further action will be taken.
        in rent is deemed advisable by your Portfolio          3.  Rent is 16 days in arrears: Your Portfolio Manager
        Manager you will be contacted by letter with their         issues the tenant with a termination notice for the
        recommendations. This is to ensure that the rental         non-payment of rent and informs the property
        yield from your property achieves its full potential in    investor of the situation. If the tenant pays the rent
        the existing rental market and that you receive the best   immediately, this termination notice is withdrawn.
        possible return on your investment.
                                                               4.  Rent is still unpaid: If the tenant does not pay the
                                                                   overdue rent and does not vacate the property on
        RE NT AL P AYMENT S                                        the date specified in the termination notice, an

        Once a month, usually around the 31st of the month,        application is made to the Residential Tenancies
        your Portfolio Manager will send you an itemised           Tribunal on your behalf.
        statement, clarifying all the rental income and
        payments made on your behalf. All invoices will also be   At Century 21, we want your property investment
        forwarded, for example council and water rates, Body   to return high yields and a positive return on your
        Corporate fees and Landlord Protection Insurance       investment. This means that your Portfolio Manager
        premiums. You will also receive an EOFY statement to   will closely monitor your property and the existing
        assist with your tax returns.                          rental market, as well as managing any issues that may
                                                               arise during the tenancy.
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