Page 11 - Property Management
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        This is simply an overview of our residential property   Please Note: As an astute investor and a valued client
        management services and is certainly not an            of Century 21, you will be added to our mailing list,
        exhaustive accounting. The purpose of this brochure    receiving a quarterly newsletter that will keep you up
        is to clarify the complexity of the rental market and   to date with trends in the rental market. We also offer
        the responsibilities of the person who manages these   property valuation services to our investors and of
        properties.                                            course, the services of our experienced sales team, if
                                                               you decide to sell your property in the future.
        Century 21 wishes to emphasise the importance
        of engaging an experienced and reputable rental
        management agency to manage your investment
        properties - an agency with the experience, the
        resources and the in-situ processes to deal with any
        eventuality that may arise.
        Selecting the right management agency is a vital part
        of growing your property portfolio and doing it alone
        can be both time consuming and stressful. When
        you select Century 21 to manage your investment
        properties, we do our very best to make sure that you
        receive the highest return on your investments.
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