Page 11 - Ultimate guide to selling you home on your own
P. 11
It’s tempting to put your house on the save as much money and make as
MLS. Everybody knows that’s the much money as possible.
greatest exposure you can get for your And, there are plenty of people who
house when it’s on the market.
will get in your ear trying to convince
If the Internet is a mall where buyers all you that you should list your house
go to find the home of their dreams, on the MLS. Maybe you should. At
then the MLS is the department store some point. But not while you are for
within the mall that every home buyer sale by owner.
will at least check out.
Stay true to your intentions. Give it
Usually because they’re all working with the best effort and try all you can.
a real estate agent to some degree.
And if it doesn’t work out in a
Most buyers are not all that bent on not reasonable amount of time, sure,
working with a real estate agent because then list it on the MLS.
(to them at least) the services of a real But, when and if you do, list it with a
estate agent seem "free." So, why real estate agent who will truly
wouldn’t they be working with a real represent you and your interests. Not
estate agent?!
someone who’s basically a floating
Sure, they might also be on the lookout salesperson in a mall trying to peddle
for a house for sale by owner, but not some wares. Rather, an agent who’s
every buyer is. But every buyer is looking more like the head of security in your
at houses on the market listed through store, making sure nobody takes
real estate agents. anything they shouldn’t from you.
So, yes, it’s appealing to most "FSBOs" to There shouldn’t be any middle
list their home on the MLS for one of ground. Sell your house on your
those reduced fees, limited service own, and keep agents out of it
listings. entirely by staying away from the
MLS. Or, get yourself into the store
But the minute they do that, they’re within the mall, and hire someone to
getting entirely away from the whole protect your interests. Otherwise,
concept of selling on their you’re just asking to lose something
of value along the way.