Page 13 - Ultimate guide to selling you home on your own
P. 13
Most homeowners are super What do they hope and dream
proud of their house, so the What's their family look like….(insert
natural tendency is to gush loud record scratching sound!!!)
about how great their house What just happened?! Why'd the record
is and list every little thing scratch?!
they've ever done to their
house. Which isn't necessarily Well, because of the word "family."
the best thing to do… ("Brand Crazy as it might sound, using the word
new toilet seat installed in "family" in your advertising, marketing,
2015!!!") or description of your home could be
taken as discriminatory.
When it comes to advertising and So, for instance, you can't say, "Located
marketing, one of the smartest things in a great family neighbourhood!" Or,
to do is speak to the buyer. Get in "Perfect for your large family."
their head…
And that's just one example. Don't even
Who are they? mention "perfect for your kids to play
Who is the most likely person to out back." Probably should watch out
buy your house? for saying "you can walk to the park..."
What do they want in a home? because some
people can't walk.