Page 18 - Ultimate guide to selling you home on your own
P. 18
OK, so if you do decide to hold people as they walk in the door. (Or
an open house, here are a few put them by the refreshments.)
tips to help you… Be safe:
Remember back to the section on not Make sure you have more than one
"over"-showing your home? In terms person home when you have an open
of "showing" buyers the house, it's house. (Or any showings for that
pretty much the same approach here: matter!)
Hide and secure all valuables.
Give people their space and freedom (Including prescription drugs.)
to walk around and look. Ask people to sign in as they enter.
Don't hover, and don't oversell them. (This will also give you their contact
Be available to answer questions, and information so you can follow up with
be friendly of course. But let them talk them after the open house.)
to you more than you talk to them. If you're really cautious, you might
want to ask to see a copy of their
Here are a few things you might want driver's license. (Do know that this
to consider doing: may come across as a bit much to ask,
Make sure to have signs indicating but safety is important!)
your house is "open." You may want to If you do ask for proof of identity,
have signs all around town directing make sure to ask every single person
people to your house. for the same info and insist upon it. If
You can advertise in local papers, but you do not, someone could claim that
that might be a waste of money. But you were discriminatory or profiling
do make sure you indicate that you're them.
having an open house on any online
sites your house appears on.
Perhaps have some refreshments .
available in the kitchen.
Have flyers or brochures of the house
available, and hand them to the