Page 18 - Tenant Maintenance Guide
P. 18
BLIND CORDS: Ensure all blind cords are POT PLANTS: No plants shall be placed
to be kept out of reach of children. on carpets or timber floors.
DISHWASHER: Cleaning the filter
regularly. If it requires repair due to HOOKS / ADHESIVES / NAILS: Tapes,
neglect, the tenant will wear the cost. blu-tac, or similar adhesives are not to
be applied to any surfaces without
written permission.
INFLATABLE POOLS: Due to swimming
pool laws, the use of inflatable pools,
baby and shell pools is prohibited.
KITCHEN BENCHTOP: Cutting boards
are to be used on kitchen benches at all
times. The tenant is liable for any
EXHAUST VENTS: You must regularly damage caused to them.
clean any vents/filters/intake ducts.
OPEN DRAINS: Regular cleaning of all
FIREPLACE: Do NOT use without written open drains by the tenant, keeping
permission. If given, use a fire screen to them free of leaves and debris.
protect flooring from burns and ash.
SMOKING: This is a non-smoking
FLOORBOARDS: The Tenant agrees to property. The tenant and guests agree
put protective felt under furniture legs to refrain from smoking.
to protect the timber floors. NOTE: Repairs arising out of the
failure to regularly clean or properly
GARAGE: Is only for the use of motor care for any appliance or deemed
vehicles. The storage of personal unnecessary e.g. user error, will be at
items is done at the tenant’s own risk. the tenants’ expense.