Page 13 - Tenant Maintenance Guide
P. 13



          What is the tenant’s                                Your landlord will generally be
                                                              responsible for things such as providing
          responsibility to maintain?                         hoses and sprinklers, maintaining the

          Unless your tenancy agreement says                  reticulation system, cleaning gutters and

          otherwise, you can safely assume you                tree lopping.

          (as the tenant) are responsible for

          mowing and edging the lawns,                        While a landlord is responsible for
          watering, weeding, pruning and                      maintaining gutters, tenants have a

          fertilising – all chores which could be             responsibility to report any issues such
          termed ‘garden maintenance.’                        as blockages or breaks. Maintenance of

                                                              gutters is an important aspect of
          As a tenant, you are ultimately                     protecting your building as broken or

          responsible for ensuring the garden is              blocked gutters can quickly lead to roof

          maintained to the standard set at the               and wall damage.

          beginning of the tenancy. This will be

          detailed in the ingoing and outgoing                If the tenant puts trampolines, boats,
          inspection report and with                          or other semi-permanent items on the

          photographs. If the garden is neglected             lawns or garden beds, they agree to

          the landlord reserves the right to                  bear the cost of any lawn or garden

          assume control at the tenant’s                      rectification work required.


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