Page 9 - Tenant Maintenance Guide
P. 9
rinse the surface with water to
3. Baking Soda
Baking soda is a mild, white mineral remove any residual mould on the
powder, that can be used to kill mould surface.
in your home, plus it is safe for your Finally, spray the area again and let
family and pets. Besides killing mould, the surface dry. (This will kill any left-
it will absorb moisture to help keep over mould and prevent the mould
mould away. from returning).
To kill mould: Add one quarter of a Summary
tablespoon of baking soda to a spray All of these solutions are great non-
bottle of water and shake until it has toxic alternatives to chemical based
dissolved. Spray the mouldy area with cleaners. Not only because they are
the baking soda and water solution, safe to use and safe for the
then use a scrub brush to remove all environment, but all of these products
the mould from the surface. Next, are inexpensive and easy to find in
your local store.