Page 14 - Tenant Maintenance Guide
P. 14



          A landlord is not required to                       enquiries as to the availability and

          provide telephone, television                       adequacy of such services before

          and internet connections with

          the premises.

                                                              accepting the tenancy of the property.

          However, existing phone/TV/internet                 The landlord does not warrant that any

          sockets are facilities provided with the            telephone plugs, antenna sockets or other

          premises for use of the tenant. As                  such service points located in the property
          such, the landlord is obliged to ensure             are serviceable, or will otherwise meet

          such facilities are in reasonable                   the requirements of the tenant, and

          condition and to maintain them.                     tenants must rely on their own enquiries.

          The tenant acknowledges that the                    New connections

          availability of telephone lines; internet
          services; analogue, digital or cable                If you want a new connection installed,

          television (and the adequacy of such                you must have the landlord’s consent.
                                                              You will have to pay for installation. You
          services); are the sole responsibility of the

          tenant and they should make their own               pay for repairs to connections you have

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