Page 12 - Tenant Maintenance Guide
P. 12
Since 2006, smoke alarms What about Batteries in all
have been mandatory in all other devices?
homes and other shared
accommodation buildings The tenant also agrees to replace
where people sleep. batteries as needed in all other
devices such as air conditioning
remotes, garage door openers, any
remotes supplied as a function of
operation within the property.
NOTE: Ensure all batteries are working
when you vacate a property to avoid
being charged the cost to replace
Landlords are required to install,
maintain and repair smoke alarms.
The tenant agrees not to remove or
interfere with the operation of a
smoke alarm installed on the
residential premises unless they have
a reasonable excuse to do so. They
also agree that it is the tenant’s
responsibility to replace light globes
for all smoke detectors on the
residential premises.
NOTE: Landlords have the right of
access to rented premises to fit or
maintain smoke alarms after giving
the tenant at least 2 days’ notice.