Page 8 - Tenant Maintenance Guide
P. 8



           You will need the following                        2. Vinegar

           supplies:                                          Vinegar is a mild acid which can kill

            Hydrogen peroxide                                82% of mould species. (Baking soda is
            Scrub brush                                      often used along with vinegar for

            Rubber gloves to protect your hands              killing different species of mould).

            Vinegar

            Spray bottle                                     To kill mould: Use white distilled

                                                              vinegar and pour it into a spray bottle
          1. Hydrogen Peroxide                                without watering it down. Spray the
                                                              vinegar onto the mouldy surface and
          Hydrogen peroxide is an anti-fungal,                leave it to sit for an hour. Finally, wipe

          anti-viral and anti-bacterial solution

                               that kills mould               the area clean with water and allow
                                                              the surface to dry. Any smell from the
                               effectively on a

                               variety of materials           vinegar should clear within a few
                               such as kitchen

                               appliances, bathroom

          fixtures, floors and walls.

          To kill mould: Pour 3% concentration

          hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle.

          Saturate the mouldy surface

          completely and leave it to sit for 10

          Next, scrub the area to remove all of

          the mould and mould stains. And

          finally, wipe the surface down to
          remove residual mould and spores.

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