Page 3 - Tenant Maintenance Guide
P. 3


          WHY DOES IT OCCUR?

          Mould is part of a group of                           see mould start to grow on walls,

          very common organisms called                          benches and other surfaces because
                                                                of the wet air.
          fungi that also include

          mushrooms and yeast. It is                            Drying clothes indoors on clothes lines

          present virtually everywhere,                         or stands is a common culprit when it

          both indoors and outdoors.                            comes to causes of indoor humidity

          Mould may grow indoors in wet or

          moist areas lacking adequate

          ventilation, including walls, wallpaper,              Sometimes people use humidifiers in

          ceilings, bathroom tiles, carpets,                    their homes. But there are moulds

          insulation material and wood. If                      that only need the humidity level to
          moisture accumulates in a building                    be higher than 55% to start growing.

          mould growth will often occur.                        So, if you need to use a humidifier in

                                                                your home make sure to keep the

          The at times, extreme weather                         humidity below 55%.

          conditions Sydney’s is known for can

          have an effect on the levels of mould
          we are experiencing.  Mould can grow

          on mass within days if it has the right


          Moisture is really the key cause of
          mould growth. If the weather's been

          very humid for a few days in a row

          you might notice mould starting to

          grow in your home. When it rains for

          several days it's especially common to

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