Page 6 - Tenant Maintenance Guide
P. 6
In order to reproduce, mould If you or your family members suffer
produces tiny particles called health problems after coming into
spores. Spores are carried in contact with mould, contact your
the air and may cause health doctor. In the case of a life-
problems if inhaled by people threatening emergency, phone 000.
who are sensitive or allergic to Who is at greatest risk of
them. health problems from contact
These include a running or blocked with mould?
nose, irritation of the eyes and skin
and sometimes wheezing. People with asthma, allergies, or other
Occasionally, people may have more breathing conditions may be more
severe reactions. Very rarely, people sensitive to mould. People with
may develop a mould infection, weakened immune systems (such as
usually in the lungs. It is important to people with HIV infection, cancer
note that most people will not patients taking chemotherapy or
experience any health problems from people who have received an organ
coming in contact with mould. transplant) and with chronic lung
diseases (such as Chronic Obstructive
For people with asthma, inhaling Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and
mould spores may cause an asthma emphysema) are more at risk of mould
attack. infection particularly in their lungs.