Page 116 - MNUmicrobiology practical 2025
P. 116

General Microbiology & Immunology (PM 401)    second level    Semester 4       2024/2025

                 •  Directions: Deep stab inoculation, ⅔ of the way down the center of the tube.

                   After incubation, refrigerate for 1 hour before reading.

                         •  Interpretation:

              (+) = Liquefaction (after refrigeration)
              (-) = Gels when refrigerated, no liquefaction.

              9- Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) test
                  •  Purpose: to detect the ability of bacteria to produce H2S gas

                  •  Media:  A  wide  variety  of culture  media are  available  for  the  detection  of

                      hydrogen  sulfide  production.  SIM  (Sulfide  Indole  Motility)  medium,  KIA

                      (Kligler’s Iron Agar), TSI (Triple Sugar Iron) Agar Medium

                  •  Mechanism/reactions:  H2S-producing  bacteria  can  metabolize  the  sulfur-

                      containing  compounds  (mostly  sodium  thiosulfate)  present  in  the  culture
                      media and reduce it releasing the H2S gas. The produced H2S gas then reacts

                      with  the  ferric  ions  forming  water-insoluble  black-colored ferrous sulfide.
                      This  insoluble  black-colored  compound  turns  the  culture  media  black

                      indicating a positive result for the H2S production test

                  •  Interpretation:

                    (+)  =  Blackening  of  the  culture  media.  (Whole

                    media may turn black or the junction of slant and

                    butt or any part of butt or slant may turn black.
                    A  black  patch  at  any  inoculated  area  is
                    considered positive.)

                     (-)=No blackening of media in any area.

                  General Microbiology & Immunology (PM 401)   Practical note                        Page 105
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