Page 113 - MNUmicrobiology practical 2025
P. 113

General Microbiology & Immunology (PM 401)    second level    Semester 4       2024/2025

                 • Mechanism/reactions: In organisms that use oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor

                   in the electron transport chain, cytochrome oxidase transfers electrons to the oxygen.

                   In the test, the Oxidase reagent acts as the electron acceptor when it is oxidized, it

                   forms the colored compound Wurster’s blue. Wurster’s blue is a purple compound

                   that is readily visible and signifies a positive reaction. A positive reaction will usually

                   occur  within  10-15  seconds  and  will  be  a bluish-purple color  that  progressively

                   becomes more purple.

                 •  Procedure
                 1.  Pick  a good-sized amount  of  inoculum

                  (already  incubated  and  grown)  from  a  plate

                  culture or slant culture and place it on a piece

                  of filter paper FIRST.

                 2.  Add one drop of the reagent.

                 3.  TIME the reaction: a positive reaction will

                  occur within 20 seconds.

              5- Sugar fermentation test

                  •  Purpose: To distinguish carbohydrate fermenters from non-fermenters, to detect

                     and distinguish utilization of specific carbohydrates by the products formed.

                  •  Media  used:  0.5%  to  1%  carbohydrate  broth-  Dextrose  (glucose), Lactose, or

                     Sucrose, Peptone, with Phenol Red and an inverted Durham tube for detection of


                  •  Reagents and/or indicators: Phenol Red

                  General Microbiology & Immunology (PM 401)   Practical note                        Page 102
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