Page 29 - Pure Magazine Issue 2
P. 29

You can follow the process alone but having a            (If you would like to hear an interview with
       coach working with you keeps you                         Bronnie Ware, she was recently interviewed
       accountable to yourself and keeps you on                 on the podcast Good Life Project)
       track. A coach is continually updating their
       learning and thinking, doing the hard work for           Don’t end your life wishing! TAKE BACK
       you. We only see life through our own lens               CONTROL IN 2019.
       which is why it is beneficial having a different
       perspective, ideally a trained coach or
       someone like a trusted friend. However an
       accredited coach is trained to help you
       achieve results quicker, understand you better
       and identify what is holding you back. My
       clients tell me that I am a real source of
       strength, knowledge and compassion when
       things get difficult for them as I support them
                                                                Fleur Prime, Life Coach, Wife and Mum of 3
       wholeheartedly without judgement.
                                                                beautiful girls and a dog.

       In 2019 make your life a priority. Don’t
       sleepwalk through life and then have regrets.
       Be proactive in creating the life you want to be         Living the Life I Love
       living. Happiness is in having the courage to
       keep trying and being true to yourself, not
       necessarily only in the final destination. Be true
       to who you are and start on finding the better
       path for your life. There are many different
       paths you can take as you learn more about
       yourself but if you don’t get on the path you
       will remain in the same position.

       You wouldn’t however, climb a mountain
       without the right tools the right research and
       importantly, the right guide. So it is in life, find
       the guide for what you need now. If you can’t
                                                                         Goa 2018 Yoga/fitness retreat
       afford a life coach keep doing your own
       research but do have the courage to invest
       time in improving your life. Living a happy
       satisfied life won’t just happen it needs to be a
       priority. It needs work and it is easier with the
       right help.

       As Bronnie Ware reminds us in her book ‘The
       top 5 regrets of the dying’ (Based on her
       experience of working in palliative care for
       people in the last months/years of their life.)

        1) I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to
        myself, not the life others expected of me.
        2) I wish I hadn’t worked so hard
        3) I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.
        4) I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends
        5) I wish I had let myself be happier.
                                                                          Family holiday Portugal 2018
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