Page 25 - Pure Magazine Issue 2
P. 25

As a mentor and coach for newly qualified                Children need brilliant teachers!
       teachers, I have had the privilege of working
       with teachers as they begin their career. They           I believe that it is possible to to build a long
       can start off nervous and quiet or bursting with         lasting teaching career. Ultimately, it’s about
       confidence and idealism. As they grow during             self-care and I help teachers learn how to
       their induction year, their innate creativity,           manage stress; develop the systems that bring
       talents and skills shine through. However, for           work-life balance and use time efficiently.
       some, the lustre soon begins to erode as their
       passion and enthusiasm is swamped by waves               Top Tips
       of monotony and relentless pressure.
                                                                1. Set boundaries to ensure that work doesn’t
       A recent headline in The Guardian read                   creep into your personal life. Be vigilant and
                                                                ruthless. Not everything is urgent.
       “Fifth of teachers plan to leave the profession
       within two years.”                                       2. Learn to say NO! School life is packed and
                                                                you do not need to participate in every
       The National Union of Teachers warns that the            initiative, function or event.
       exodus in caused by excessive workload. A poll
       for the National Education Union found that              3. Plan your rest time. Take regular breaks and
       more than a quarter of recently qualified                make sure your holidays are fun and
       teachers with less than five years experience            rejuvenating.
       plan to quit teaching by 2024. These are just a
       couple of the headlines and statistics that can          4. Ask for support. Identify those who can
       be found about the problem in education that             support you emotionally and/or professionally
       never seems to be solved. So many teachers               and plan regular times to meet or speak.
       are leaving, or are thinking about leaving, the
       profession after a few years of teaching. The            5. Develop the habits of an athlete. Teaching is
       reasons are similar in many instances.                   marathon, not a sprint. Good nutrition, regular
                                                                exercise and healthy sleep patterns are
            Work - life balance has deteriorated
       Work - life balance has deteriorated                     essential elements for any teacher who aims
       Their health has suffered                                to have a long career.
            Their health has suffered
       Teaching is having a negative effect on family
            Teaching is having a negative effect on
       life                                                     6. Choose to enjoy the journey. Children are
            family life
       Their professional life has swamped their                amazing and teaching has untold rewards
            Their professional life has swamped their
       personal life                                            which is great motivation during the difficult
            personal life
       Teachers have identified that they are
       spending too much time on producing data
       when they would rather spend time focusing
       on the needs of children. Undoubtedly,
       children need teachers who can create
       memorable learning experiences. 11 year old
       Sadia wrote a note to her teacher as she left
       primary school.

       “Thank you for all of the projects and all of the
       fun in year 4 and year 6. Some teachers are
       boring and some teachers are fun but you’re
       the brilliant one!”

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