Page 31 - Pure Coaching Magazine - Issue 1
P. 31

What springs to your mind when you                      5 tips to start your mindset for success
         think of success? Perhaps it’s wealth,
         ranking, having a dispensable income so                 1. Create a vision board of images and
         that you can purchase your dream car or                 colours of what the term ‘success’ evokes
         home and jet-setting across the world for               or means to you. Then display it in a place
         both work and pleasure. Or perhaps                      where you can start to actually visualise
         success means having a close circle of                  how success feels and how you are going
         family and friends, a career promotion, a               to start taking action to get there.
         cosy home, taking a few holidays a year, or
         simply the fact that you go to sleep and                2. Understand  and bust those limiting
         wake up feeling content with your life                  beliefs about what success evokes for you.
         and yourself?                                           Ask yourself what’s holding me back?
                                                                 How true are my limiting beliefs? When
         When thinking of success, many people                   have I succeeded before? What helped or
         assume that it is given by divine right to              didn’t help me? How did it feel? And how
         some people and not others, yet nothing                 can I do it again?
         could be further from the truth. For
         example, there are some clients who have                3. Success doesn’t always mean aiming for
         everything money and ranking can buy.                   the big goals or being able to enjoy the
         However, contrary to popular belief, their              larger things in life, but it can also mean
         current success doesn’t buy them a one                  taking action to enjoy the smaller things
         way ticket to happiness.  Alternatively,                every day. For example; add a few ten-
         other clients are so successful in their                minute slots into your day when you can
         careers or personal lives, yet they may feel            give yourself some ‘me time’. This may
         their success is a fluke and that they have             include breathing, taking a walk, having a
         stepped through the back door to the VIP                coffee or a treat, meditation, or meeting
         room.  Other clients may be an A-lister in              up with a friend.
         their professional lives but their personal
         lives, relationships and wellbeing have                 4. Remember that success doesn’t buy
         been neglected. Whilst other clients feel               you a one way ticket to happiness! Neither
         their personal life is sorted, but have yet to          is success that golden pot at the end of
         find that career which makes them want                  the rainbow. Embracing success and
         to jump out of bed in the morning.                      happiness means learning to surf the
                                                                 waves, to adjust your technique and to
                                                                 enjoy the ride.  
         You have the choice and power to
         redesign your life! But if you’re thinking
         ‘Sure it’s easy to say that and harder to               5. Success is not exclusive or limited! With
         achieve’ then you’re right! It’s simply not             the right mindset, laser vision, passion and
                                                                 dedication, power plan and support,
         enough to just believe or think success
         will just fall into your lap- because it                anyone can start to experience and
         won’t!  Success relies on understanding                 achieve success.
         and breaking through your limiting
         beliefs, belief, action, a power plan,
         willpower, dedication and the right
         contacts and support.

         The route to success is full of pot holes,
         bends and stunning vistas. However, if
         you’re willing to say ‘I deserve this’ and to
         invest in yourself and your current and
         future happiness, then success is

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