Page 6 - Contents
P. 6

Exper ences, V ews and Rev ews                                                                         1

         My journey w th Bahçeşeh r College began as a mother when I made the
         dec s on to enroll my 4-year-old son  n k ndergarten. From the moment I
         set  foot  on  the  campus,  I  was  deeply   mpressed  by  the  school's
         ph losophy  and  approach  to  educat on.  The  emphas s  on  putt ng
         ch ldren  at  the  center  and  pr or t z ng  the r   nd v dual  development
         resonated  w th  me.  I  was  thr lled  to  learn  that  the  school  a med  to
         cult vate  global  c t zens  wh le  also  foster ng  a  strong  focus  on  sc ence
         and technology.
         Now,  after  work ng  at  th s   nst tut on  for  6  years,  I  feel   ncred bly
         fortunate to be able to  mplement the pr nc ples I was so  mpressed by
          n t ally.  Work ng  w th  the  youngest  age  group,  the  k ndergarten
         students,  br ngs  me   mmense  joy.  I  f rmly  bel eve  that  one  of  the  key
         reasons  these  ch ldren  love  com ng  to  school   s  the  genu ne  love  and
         care  shown  by  every  teacher  at  our   nst tut on.  The  value  of  hav ng
         ded cated  and  sk lled  educators  who  support  ch ldren's  development
         across  all  areas,  gu de  them   n  explor ng  the r   nterests,  and  prepare
         them  for  l fe  cannot  be  overstated.  W tness ng  the  growth  and
         ach evements of our students who have been w th us s nce k ndergarten
         f lls me w th an  mmense sense of pr de.                                       SERAP
         Incek Bahçeşeh r College fosters a genu ne fam ly atmosphere, thanks to
          ts  exper enced  teachers  and  fr endly  staff.  Th s  creates  a  warm  and  ELDEM|R
         welcom ng env ronment for all students. It  s truly fulf ll ng to be part of
         a commun ty that pr or t zes the well-be ng and educat onal journey of       Kindergarten
         each ch ld.
                                                                                     Assistant principal

                                                           I have been work ng at Bahçeşeh r College İncek Campus
                                                           for approx mately 4 years. In t ally, I served as a v ce
                                                           pr nc pal  n a secondary school, and now I hold the
                                                           pos t on of v ce pr nc pal  n the pr mary school. It br ngs
                                                           me great happ ness to be a part of th s  nst tut on, wh ch
                                                           has a r ch h story of 50 years. Founded by educators and
                                                           managed by the general d rectorate, Bahçeşeh r College  s
                                                           a renowned educat onal  nst tut on.
                                                           The İncek campus holds a spec al place as the f rst
                                                           Bahçeşeh r College  n Ankara and  s often referred to as
                                                           the central campus. What sets Bahçeşeh r College apart
                                                           from other schools  s  ts comm tment to prov d ng
                                                           comprehens ve educat on. In add t on to academ c
                                                           programs, the school offers a w de range of fac l t es such
                                                           as sports halls, appl ed courses, STEM projects, and
                                                           master classes. It also prov des except onal support for
                                                           future projects and educat on abroad.
                                                           I am grateful for the opportun ty to work  n such a
                                                           reputable  nst tut on and contr bute to the educat on and
                                                           growth of our students. The support and comm tment
                                                           from Bahçeşeh r College  n promot ng excellence  n
                                                           educat on are truly commendable.

             Grades 3-4          Assistant principal
                                                                               By:Engl sh Med a Club
                                                                               By:Engl sh Med a Club
                                                                               By:Engl sh Med a Club
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