Page 7 - Contents
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I have been work ng here for e ght years, wh ch seems to be too long, KÖSE
though I haven’t real sed how fast t me passed at th s school . I’ve Grades 5-6
had and am st ll hav ng d fferent valuable exper ences wh le work ng
here. Assistant principal
Work ng w th ch ldren and be ng nvolved n the r educat on s ndeed
a reward ng and fulf ll ng exper ence. İncek Bahçeşeh r College, as
the f rst Bahçeşeh r Campus n Ankara, has made s gn f cant progress
s nce ts establ shment n the 2013-2014 academ c year. The school
takes pr de n ts ach evements, nclud ng the graduat on of
numerous students and the cont nuous growth and recogn t on t has
ga ned.
Bahçeşeh r Schools offer a comprehens ve academ c program that
nurtures students' d verse ab l t es and knowledge. The educat onal
approach focuses on exper ent al learn ng, thorough subject
understand ng through deta led lesson plans and format ve
assessments, preparat on for nat onal exams, prof c ency n two
fore gn languages, and overall academ c mprovement. In add t on to
academ c accompl shments, Bahçeşeh r College students have the
opportun ty to engage n cod ng, learn to play mus cal nstruments,
part c pate n sports act v t es, and showcase the r talents on stage
through chorus, drama, and compet t ons. These opportun t es not
only enhance the r commun cat on sk lls and self-conf dence but also
contr bute to the r hol st c development.
One of the d st ngu sh ng factors of İncek Bahçeşeh r College s the
except onal support and gu dance prov ded to students by the r
mentor teachers and school counselors. Students rece ve academ c
and behav oral observat on and support from counselors, who also
offer psycholog cal ass stance when needed. The school str ves to
educate students hol st cally and prov des the best poss ble
educat onal env ronment and resources.
Bahçeşeh r College has ga ned a well-deserved reputat on as a reputable and esteemed educat onal nst tut on w th n the
Turk sh educat on system. İncek Bahçeşeh r College, be ng the f rst campus n Ankara, holds a prom nent pos t on among all
the branches. The outstand ng school bu ld ng, des gned to cater to the needs of students and the school env ronment, s a
d st ngu sh ng feature. The campus boasts large gardens, a spac ous and funct onal d n ng hall, a cozy l brary, a conference
hall for stage performances, sports halls for var ous act v t es such as football, basketball, and gymnast cs, a sc ence center
w th laborator es, cod ng labs, and art centers.
The ava lab l ty of such excellent fac l t es prov des students w th conduc ve spaces for study ng, attend ng lessons,
play ng, and soc al z ng on the campus. Th s sets İncek Campus apart and g ves t an advantage over other branches.
Add t onally, the exper enced teach ng staff, well-versed n Bahçeşeh r Schools' educat on and teach ng system,
contr butes to an enhanced teach ng and learn ng process.
At İncek Campus, there s a commendable balance between academ c and soc al educat on. Recogn z ng the mportance of
students' soc al learn ng and development alongs de the r academ c pursu ts and exam grades, the school ensures that
students are not treated as mere mach nes or robots focused solely on study ng and ach ev ng h gh marks. Instead, they are
encouraged to mprove the r var ous sk lls and a m to become well-rounded nd v duals, both psycholog cally, phys cally,
mentally, soc ally, and academ cally.
Overall, Bahçeşeh r College s renowned as one of the most reputable and h ghly ranked schools n Ankara and Turkey.
Be ng a part of Bahçeşeh r College, whether as a teacher, student, or parent, s cons dered a pr v lege. The school's
comm tment to prov d ng a comprehens ve and hol st c educat on, coupled w th ts excellent reputat on, re nforces ts
status as a prest g ous educat onal nst tut on.
By:Engl sh Med a Club
By:Engl sh Med a Club
By:Engl sh Med a Club