Page 8 - Contents
P. 8


                                                   As  a  v ce  pr nc pal  at  İncek  Bahçeşeh r  College  for  the  past  2
                                                   years,  I  have  had  the  opportun ty  to  w tness  the  d verse
                                                   educat onal  offer ngs  prov ded  by  our  school.  Our  focus   s  to
                                                   create an env ronment where students can both enjoy the r t me
                                                   and cont nuously learn new  nformat on.
                                                   Overall,  İncek  Bahçeşeh r  College  pr or t zes  a  balanced
                                                   approach  to  educat on,  where  students  can  enjoy  the r  t me  at
                                                   school  wh le  cont nuously  expand ng  the r  knowledge.  The
                                                   presence  of  a  spac ous  garden,  strong  technolog cal  resources,
                                                   pass onate teachers, and a sk lled teach ng staff all contr bute to
                                                   the un que and enr ch ng educat onal exper ence offered at our
                                                   The ded cat on and pass on of our teachers are ev dent  n the r
                                                   love  for  the r  profess on.  They  str ve  to  prov de  h gh-qual ty
               FİRDEVS                             educat on  and  are  comm tted  to  the r  cont nuous  profess onal

             ÖZGÜL ER                              development.  Our  teachers  act vely  seek  opportun t es  to
                                                   acqu re new knowledge and sk lls, stay ng updated w th the latest
                 Grades 1-2                        educat onal pract ces and methodolog es.
             Assistant Principal

        I have jo ned Bahçeşeh r İncek College 2 years ago as the
        Ass stant  Pr nc pal  of  the  Secondary  School,  spec f cally
        oversee ng the 7th and 8th grade students, who are part of
        the  exam  group.  My  exper ence  at  the  school  has  been
        truly  reward ng,  largely  due  to  the  support ve  and
        collaborat ve env ronment among staff members.
        One  of  the  aspects  that  I  deeply  apprec ate  about
        Bahçeşeh r  İncek  College   s   ts   nnovat ve  approach  to
        educat on.  The  school  places  a  strong  emphas s  on
        nurtur ng  students  who  are  not  only  knowledgeable  but
        also  nqu s t ve and capable of cr t cal th nk ng. Th s focus
        on  ra s ng  world  c t zens  who  act vely  engage   n  research
        and  quest on ng  the  demands  of  our  era  holds  great
        s gn f cance for our country's development.
        I am proud to be a part of an educat onal  nst tut on that
        values hol st c development and equ ps students w th the
        necessary  sk lls  and  knowledge  to  thr ve   n  the  modern
        world.  The  collaborat ve  atmosphere,  coupled  w th
        Bahçeşeh r's  comm tment  to  educat onal  excellence,
        makes my exper ence at the school truly fulf ll ng.

                                                                            SEDAT ÖZ

                                                                                Grades     7-8
                                                                             Assistant principal
                                                                               By:Engl sh Med a Club
                                                                               By:Engl sh Med a Club
                                                                               By:Engl sh Med a Club
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