Page 292 - 2023 PPIAC RMIC BOOK
P. 292


                     • Force-on-Target  is  by  definition  using  non-lethal  man-marking  or  AirSoft  ammunition
                       against  inanimate  targets.  In  my  opinion  this  is  probably  one  of  the  most  beneficial  and
                       underutilized training formats there is.
                     • By  utilizing  a  force-on-target  format  full  face,  head,  neck  and  hearing  protection  is  not
                       necessary, thus eliminating a barrier of communication. This is of enormous training value
                       at all levels. It also gives us the ability to conduct training from basic to advanced levels that
                       would otherwise be dangerous and unacceptable.


                   Students learning how to engage threats from the contact distance position in a safe environment with no barriers to communication.
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