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2022 Rocky Mountain Investigators Conference

            PPIAC - Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado

                                      Welcome Message from the PPIAC Chair
                                          Making Every Connection Count!

        Welcome to the 2022 Rocky Mountain Investigators Conference! The Professional Private Investigators

        Association of Colorado is proud to present this year's conference in beautiful Colorado Springs. Throughout
        the years, PPIAC has consistently offered outstanding conferences with highly informative and entertaining
        content, and this year will be no different. PPIAC is one of the premier investigator associations in the
        country, due in no small part to the talented and helpful speakers willing to share their talents and ideas.

        There are so many benefits to attending an industry conference. It is smart and makes sense to keep learning
        more about your specific areas of investigation. There is always information to be gleaned from others in the

        field. I appreciate learning about other areas of expertise because you never know when you will learn
        something that  can be applied to a different type of case. It  is  also  helpful to meet those  who can do
        investigations you don't do in case a client ever needs something you're unfamiliar with. You could also
        discover a new-to-you area you hadn't considered before and embark on a new career path.

        One of my favorite parts of conferences is seeing my fellow investigators. PPIAC has introduced me to so
        many other investigators, and I have learned from every one of them. Over the last few years, we have not

        had as many in-person meetings and conferences, and I have missed that.

        Finally, conferences are FUN! It is enjoyable to socialize and get out. The conference committee chose this
        location for this year's conference because it offers so many things to do and places to eat and drink. I hope
        you'll get out and take advantage of the activities and establishments inside and outside the hotel.

        It has been a challenging couple of years for many of us. Let's not take our in-person activities for granted.
        Let's Make Every Connection Count!

        Jennifer Brown, J.D., CLI

        PPIAC Chair

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