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2022 Rocky Mountain Investigators Conference
PPIAC - Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado
Welcome Message from the PPIAC VP of Training
Making Every Connection Count!
Welcome to the 2022 PPIAC annual conference. Your participation and commitment are a credit to the
industry, as you support the PPIAC and each other. Education and relationships are two of the most valuable
resources to a professional private investigator. One of the goals of in-person meetings and conferences is
the opportunity to get to know your colleagues. A 20+year veteran can benefit from meeting a newbie, just
as much as those startups looking for mentors to bring insight.
A sign of a strong organization is the participation and effort put forth by its members. I witnessed this when
I stepped into the VP of Training role at the end of the Annual Conference planning and implementation.
The PPIAC conference committee has been working selflessly for months to develop comprehensive,
diverse, and exciting training. Please take a moment this weekend to thank the 2022 conference committee.
This conference aims to bring together those looking to change their lives and enhance their careers as
professional private investigators. The great thing about a group with such diverse backgrounds and
experiences is that we can learn new and old ways of doing business. Whether this is your first PPIAC
Conference or not-your-first-rodeo, I encourage you to ask questions, hand out business cards, make
friends, and have fun.
Thank you again for your support. We at the PPIAC, YOUR state PI association, are very appreciative. If
you are not a member, please consider becoming a member, and together we can continue to build and
bring better training and benefits.
Thank you,
Tarik Ocon
PPIAC VP of Training