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2022 Rocky Mountain Investigators Conference

            PPIAC - Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado

                                    Welcome Message from the PPIAC President
                                          Making Every Connection Count!

        I have said it before, and I will say it again! Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life! It brings me
        great joy to see so many of you here, committing your most valued resource, your time, to furthering your
        education as a professional private investigator.

        Regardless of whether you are a new PI just getting started, or a 20+ year vet, this training event, the 2022
        Rocky Mountain Investigators Conference is sure to bring insight to many new and wonderful aspects of

        investigation for you.

        The PPIAC conference committee has been working ever so diligently, night and day, for months on end to
        put together what is undoubtedly one of the greatest training resources ever made for those in our
        profession. Every year, we always think “It can’t get any better than this one” and then we surprise ourselves
        and hit it out of the park. Please join me in thanking the 2022 conference committee, the team that made
        this golden opportunity possible.

        But it’s not just about the training. It is not only what can you learn that is important in this conference. It
        is about the networking opportunities that abound and the chances for you to meet with your peers, one on
        one and in groups, and get to know them personally and professionally.

        I hope you are as excited as I am to be part of this once in a lifetime event that can change your lives, your
        careers, and your future as a professional private investigator. I encourage you to take notes, ask questions,
        hand out some business cards, make friends, and most of all, have fun doing it all.

        Thank you for participating and thank you for supporting PPIAC. We are YOUR state PI association. If you
        are not a member, I encourage you to consider becoming a member, continue to further your PI education,
        and enjoying all the other benefits membership brings. If you are a member, thank you for your support and
        trust in PPIAC.

        John Morris
        PPIAC President

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