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Making Circularity a Reality: The Way Forward

              industrial operations. It can be achieved by using   reassembling parts to create a new clothing or                    Some process-level barriers impede the growth of    sorting and recycling technologies that separates
              efficient processes, advanced technologies and      accessory of equivalent or greater quality. During                 the remanufacturing company, such as sourcing       fibres without damaging the underlying material’s
              better operating practices.                         the process, remanufactured merchandise may lose                   sufficient raw material, high process throughput    quality. In this context, many innovations are in
                                                                  its original identity or functionality. For instance, a            time, and skill requirements for disassembly        pilot stage and are striving to enter the mainstream
              3. Reuse                                            pair of pants may be remanufactured into a coat or a               and redesigning. However, these obstacles can       market to expand commercially.
              This involves reusing textiles rather than discarding   skirt.                                                         be overcome at designing its disassembly and
              them. It can be achieved by repairing, refurbishing,                                                                   remanufacturing process.                            A product design that allows easy recycling back
              or reusing textiles and utilizing durable materials.  Remanufacturing is more cost-effective and                                                                           into clothing is a must to improve clothes-to-clothing
              It involves the concept of “Resale,” in which       resource-efficient than recycling, since it avoids                 5. Recycle                                          recycling. Traceability throughout the product life
              individuals who are discarding their clothing sell it   energy and chemical-intensive and polluting                    This includes recycling old textiles to create new   cycle on information of fibre composition is essential
              to marketplaces, where it is resold as pre-owned    treatment processes. An Important aspect during                    fibres. It is performed by mechanical or chemical   promote recyclability.
              clothing or second-hand clothing (SHA).             the remanufacturing process is the ability to                      recycling processes that convert used textiles into
                                                                  disassemble a garment quickly. The design approach                 useful new fibres.                                  6. Regenerate
              4. Remanufacture                                    can facilitate easy disassembly by adding innovative                                                                   All post-use fabrics can enter the recycling value
              Remanufacturing is an efficient method for          stitch types or bonding technology. Fabrics must                   The current recycling sector mostly engages in      chain. This fabric should be returned to nature after
              extending the life of clothing. This process involves   be durable and of acceptable quality to utilize in             downcycling, which remakes products of lower        decomposing.
              disassembling worn clothing, recovering valuable    remanufacturing.                                                   value from the original fabric. Downcycling inhibits
              components from it, and then redesigning and                                                                           a circular approach and only postpones product      As shown in the diagram, a greater emphasis must
                                                                                                                                     disposal in landfills.                              be placed on ensuring that the apparel is made
                                                                                                                                                                                         biodegradable by regenerative techniques.
                                                                                                                                     One of the most important approaches to developing   Wherever no viable alternatives exist, textile waste
              Case Study
                                                                                                                                     a circular fashion system is textile-to-textile recycling   must be disposed off scientifically and care must be
                                                                                                                                     in the Textile & Apparel sector. This includes the   taken to minimize emissions and air pollution during
                                                                                An example of reuse: Designing                       development and widespread acceptance of novel      the process.
                                                                                a product with superior quality
                                                                                and durability is necessary to
                                                                                                                                     Figure 44: Closed loop cycle of regeneration
                                                                                remain in the ecosystem for
                                                                                longer during the usage and
                                                                                consumption phase.

                                                                                It is essential to implement new
                                                                                business models and principles
                                                                                of reuse. The figure demonstrates
                                                                                that a pyramid structure can
                                                                                be developed based on the
                                                                                grading of discounted clothing,
                                                                                where categories A and B
                                                                                comprise clothes that have been
                                                                                discarded for reasons such as
                                                                                fashion change, size change,
                                                                                etc. Category C can be for
                                                                                clothes that are nearing the end
                                                                                of their useful life and can be
                                                                                remanufactured. Category D can
                                                                                consist of garments that have
                                                                                reached the end of their useful
                                                                                lives and can be sent directly to
                  Figure 43: Pyramid structure for sorting post-consumer waste

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