P. 11

32. According to this news item ...

                      a.  the attack took British intelligence by surprise.
                      b.  Greece is asked to improve its anti-terrorist activity.
                      c.  another terrorist action took place on November 17.
                      d.  a British officer encouraged the arrest of suspects.

                  THE  WORLD  BANK  approved  funding  for  a  controversial  1000-km  pipeline
                  that  will  run  from  300  new  wells  in  Chad  through  Cameroon  to  the  Atlantic
                  Ocean. Most of the money for the pipeline will come from a consortium led by
                  U.S. oil giant EXXON Mobil. The pipeline's backers say it could provide as much
                  as  $2  billion  for  Chad  and  $500m  for  Cameroon  over  25  years.  But
                  environmentalist  groups  say  the  project  threatens  rainforests,  water  systems,
                  wildlife  and  indigenous tribes.  Human rights  groups  have criticized  the  project
                  because Chad has one of the worst human rights records in the world.

                  33. According to this article ...

                      a.  implementing human rights issues in Chad will cost up to $2 billion.
                      b.  the pipeline has been backed up all the way to the Atlantic Ocean.
                      c.  the project is coming up against opposition from different fronts.
                      d.  a consortium of human rights activists is applauding the plan.

                  The United States Army has adopted a revolutionary transformation strategy for a
                  future Objective Force that is strategically responsive and dominant across the full
                  spectrum  of  military  operations.  An  integral  part  of  this  effort  is  the  Army
                  Transformation  Wargame  series  which  is  the  result  of  over  five  years  of  study,
                  wargaming, and analysis of concepts and capabilities beyond 2010. In 2000, the first
                  Army Transformation Wargame demonstrated that the Army Objective Force was a
                  highly deployable, general-purpose force that provided enhanced combat power to
                  meet the challenges of the future strategic and operational environments.

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