P. 13


                                                              problems  have  continued  even
                  U.S.  Armed  Forces  reserve
                                                              though the active duty services
                  units are increasingly struggling           have  turned  around  their  own

                  to  fill  their  ranks  with  new           dismal recruiting record after an
                  recruits  as  the  Pentagon  relies         infusion  of  new  recruiters,
                  on them more heavily than ever              increased       advertising       and

                  to  conduct  operations  around             enlistment bonuses.
                  the world, according to military

                  officials       and        Pentagon          For  the  first  time  since  1997,
                  documents. In each of the past 3            the  Army,  Navy  and  Marine
                  years, the Army, Navy and Air               Corps  are  all  expected  to  meet

                  Force reserves have fallen short            their recruiting goals this year -
                  of  their  recruiting  objective  by        an  achievement  thanks  in  part

                  nearly  40%.  Only  the  Marine             to  sharper  marketing  strategies
                  Corps  reserve  has  steadily               and  a  string  of  military  pay
                  recruited  enough  troops  in               increases.

                  recent  years.  The  recruiting

                  37. According to this text, the U.S. Armed Forces...

                      a.  will be unlikely to reach their targets on time.
                      b.  will definitely attain acceptable numbers of reserve units.
                      c.  are advertising and offering bonuses to recruiters.
                      d.  are adopting more effective marketing strategy investments.

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