P. 17

43. According to this text ...

                      a.  a battalion commander should have faith in his unit's efficiency.
                      b.  a battalion commander is responsible for pre deployment training.
                      c.  motivation should be high even when training is lacking.
                      d.  troops should be highly confident in their abilities.

                  Terrorism is not the only scourge

                  It is also time to declare war on disease in poor countries
                  TERRORISM is like a hideous disease, and sensible countries seek to eradicate it. But
                  it should not be forgotten that other hideous diseases kill and cripple far more
                  people, especially in poor countries. Encouragingly, recent decades have seen huge
                  progress in the struggle against sickness. Between 1960 and 1995, life expectancy in
                  poor countries rose by 22 years, largely because modem medicine prevented
                  millions of premature deaths.
                  However, in many African countries, people are dying younger than they did a
                  decade ago as AIDS sweeps through the population. Rich countries could greatly
                  reduce this toll by giving more towards improvement in health care in poor
                  countries. A new report estimates that an extra $27 billion would save 8m lives a

                  44. According to this text, diseases are...

                      a.  considered to produce a lower mortality rate than terrorism.
                      b.  likely to be prevented by better medical intervention.
                      c.  shortening people's life span in countries scourged by terrorism.
                      d.  benefiting modern medical practice in wealthy countries.

                   NATO troops have already escorted Macedonians back to their homes,
                  stood guard on highways in conflict areas and brokered the pullback of forces
                  in numerous locations. And what about the number of NATO troops present?
                  Ivo Daalder, a former White House adviser on the Balkans, says there are
                  “far too many if all they're really going to do is collect weapons voluntarily
                  surrendered at five collection points” and  “far too few if the real task is to
                  keep the peace.”
                   Under the peace plan, Macedonia's Parliament has to respond to the
                  weapons surrender by beginning a reform of the Constitution that would grant
                  improved rights, official citizen status and more jobs to ethnic Albanian
                  minorities, as well as give amnesty to demobilized rebels. A vote is expected
                  this week.

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