Page 16 - Suara Sarawak 7 JULAI 2021
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RABU I 7 JULAI 2021 I 26 Zulkaedah 1442H 16 JUMAAT I 1 Mac 2019 I 24 Jamadilakhir 1440H
RABU | 7 Julai 2021 | 26 Zulkaedah 1442H ITkelmapnaTeakna
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Miri Port Authority is inviting suitable and aspiring candidates who want to advance in their careers and possess the right attitude, knowledge and experiences to fill the following vacant posts:
1. Post
Classification Service Group Post Status Salary Matrix
: Penolong Jurutera, Gred JA29 (1 post)
2. Post
Classification Service Group Post Status Salary Matrix
: Pembantu Kemahiran, Gred H19 (2 posts)
: Engineering
: Support
: Contract
: Minimum: RM1,549.00
Maximum: RM5,701.00
a. Malaysian citizen domiciled in Sarawak.
b. At least 18 years old on the date the advertisement is closed.
c. Certificate in Engineering or academic qualification as its equivalent recognized by the Government from any local Polytechnic.
(Starting salary: RM1,549.00); or
d. Diploma in Engineering or academic qualification as its equivalent recognized by the Government from any local higher institution.
(Starting salary: RM1,935.02); and
e. Credit in Bahasa Malaysia (at least grade C) at SPM/SVM level or its equivalent recognized by the Government.
f. Serving officer as Pembantu Kemahiran and had been confirmed in service and possessed the qualification as per 5(c) and 5(d) above
is eligible to apply.
Job scope:
To assist in the planning and coordination of engineering and technical, mechanical & electronic works, maintenance of inventory records, site works inspection, compilation of technical and mechanical reports and other related matters.
Added advantage for candidate with knowledge and experiences in the operations and maintenance of cargo handling equipment, eg. Cranes, Reachstakers and Forklifts.
: Skill
: Support
: Contract
: Minimum: RM1,377.00
Maximum: RM4,052.00
a. Malaysian citizen domiciled in Sarawak;
b. At least 18 years old on the date the advertisement is closed;
c. (i) Sijil Vokasional Malaysia (SVM) in related field recognized by the Government. (Starting salary: RM1,377.00); or
(ii) Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) or academic qualification as its equivalent recognized by the Government with Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Tahap 2 (SKM Level 2) I related field. (Starting salary: RM1,435.12); or
(iii) Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) or academic qualification as its equivalent recognized by the Government with Sijil Kekompetensi Pendawai Fasa Tunggal from Suruhanjaya Tenaga. (Starting salary: RM1,435.12); or
(iv) Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) or academic qualification as its equivalent recognised by the Government with Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Tahap 3 (SKM Level 3) in related field.(Starting salary: RM1,493.24); or
(v) Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) or academic qualification as its equivalent recognized by the Government with Sijil Kekompetensi Pendawai Fasa 3 from Suruhanjaya Tenaga.
d. Credit in Bahasa Malaysia (at least Gred C) at SPM/SVM level or its equivalent recognized by the Government.
e. Government serving officers holding the post of Operator Loji, Pembantu Awam, Pembantu Operasi, Pemandu Kenderaan, Pemandu/
Operator Jentera Pemunggah and Penghantar Notis are eligible to apply subject to the followings; (i) Confirmed in service; and
(ii) Meet the requirements as per 2(c) above; and
(iii) Age limit;
a) Below 54 years old on appointment date for officers with retirement age of 55 or 56 years old; or b) Below 56 years old on appointment date for officers with retirement age of 58 years old; or
c) Below 58 years old on appointment date for officers with retirement age of 60 years old.
Job scope:
Responsible for technical support tasks including installing, repainting, maintaining, monitoring, repairing and testing of vehicles/ machinery/public and mechanical equipment, electrical installation, electrical systems, piping and sewage systems so that they are in good and safe condition at all times.
Added advantage for candidate with hands-on experience in the maintenance of cargo handling equipment, eg. Cranes, Reachstakers and Forklifts.
How to apply:
1. Application forms can be obtained from the Admin Department, 4th Floor, Admin Building, Miri Port Authority, Jalan Miriport,
Kuala Baram Industrial Estate, Kuala Baram, 98000 Miri, Sarawak during office hours or from Miri Port Authority’s official
2. For Government serving officers, application must be made through your Head of Department in accordance with the requirements
under Para 18 of the P.U. (A) 1/2012, together with your updated Service Record including the last 3 years’ performance appraisal.
3. To write the name of post applied at the bottom right corner of the envelope.
4. To facilitate in the processing of application, please enclose certified true copies of your relevant documents/certificates (eg. Job
Description, Testimonials, School Certificates, Identity Card, Birth Certificate, etc.) together with a self-addressed envelope with
5. Application with incomplete information shall not be entertained.
6. Closing date: 21st July 2021, Wednesday, 5:00 pm.
7. All application must be addressed properly and send to:
Pengurus Besar,
Lembaga Pelabuhan Miri,
Bahagian Pentadbiran, Aras 4,
Bangunan Pentadbiran, Jalan Miriport, Kuala Baram Industrial Estate, Kuala Baram, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
8. Forfurtherinformation,pleasecontacttheAdminManager,Mr.LouiesLawai,attelephoneno.085-609003duringofficehours.
1) Manager / Assistant Manager. Good salary 2 Male / Female Cashiers
3) Male/Female Sales Personnels
4) Assistant Supervisors or Supervisors
5) Cake & Bread Workers / Cooks
6) BirthdayCakeDecoraterswithorwithoutexperience.
Good salary
7) Male Oven Operators. Good salary
8) Full/Part-Time Sales Personnels & General Workers * Meal & Lodging provided for outstation candidates with other fringe benefits.
117D, Ban Hock Road,Tel: 429184, 155A, Satok Road,Tel: 416955.
No. 13-14 Jln Tun Jugah,Tel: 458693, Sublot 19, Setia Raja Commercial Centre Tabuan Laru,Tel: 361368, Sublot 8-9, 31⁄2 Mile Jalan Datuk Tawi Sli Tel: 410078 Ground Floor, Lot 3048, BLK 10, Eastmoore Centre, Rock Road,
Tel: 417286,JalanYakub,Tel: 082-238248,7th Mile,Tel: 082-611723
LORRY DRIVER (Few posts)
– With licence 3 tons & GDL
– Few years working experiences
Interested call : 019-887 1420 Lot 1361, Kpg Tabuan Ulu, Kuching.
Pekerja Am
– Berkerja di kebun buah- buahan atau reban ayam, Sibu.
Berminat boleh menghubungi H/p No. 019-4850659,
0111-055444 (Encik Ling)

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