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         John and Joy Reed            Kathryn Sadowski              Jordan Smith                 Christine Thompson           Daria Walsh
         Sarah Reed                   Genevieve St. Pierre          KA Smith                     Maraidh Thomson              Bethany Wardyga
         Sean Reid                    Christopher Salaun            Richard and Suzanne Smith    Sheena Tompkins              Geneva Washington
         Constance Reilly             Fabian Salinas                Jane Sokolosky               Elizabeth Tomulonis          Milagros Weber
         Leo and Rita Renaud          Melissa Sanchez               Giovanna Soprano             Paige Tonra                  Barbra Weidlein
         Tiffany Rezendes             Beatrice Sangermano           Scott Soucie                 Lisuannette Torres           Lauren Whatmough
         Sarah Rioles                 Damaris Santos                Hunter Spearin               Debra True                   Ryan and Michelle Williams
         Millie Rivera                Robert and Claire Sarli       Anne Fernanda Sperandio      Brenda Turcotte              Rhonda Willigan
         Lilia Roberson               Ann Saunders                  Lisa Stabile                 Richard and Christina Turcotte  Cynthia Wilson-Frias
         Robert Anthony Salon         Angelyn Scala                 Jodi Staplins                UKOGF Foundation             Kelly Wishart
         Sandra Robinson              Catherine Schnauzers          Susan Stiles-Randak          Sandra Umbdenstock           Sandra Witherell
         Elizabeth Roche              Michelle Scorpio              Julie Sullivan               University of Rhode Island   Tara Wood
         Brenda Rodriguez             Erika Sevetson                Michelle Sutton                 Police                    Muriel Woodcock
         Shirly Rojas                 Sharon Sexton-Brady           David Suvall                 Lori Urso                    Kyle Wright
         Stephen and Joyce Rongo      Anne Sharp                    Donna Tamburro               Rossana Vallante             Gray Wyatt
         Alexandria Ronzio            Danielle Shekoni              Paul and Norma Taubman       Annette Vega                 Jacklyn Xavier
         Cynthia Rosengard            Sahar Sherzada                Courtney Teixeira            Jyoti Verma                  Aimee Zanni
         Richard Ross                 Joe Siddall                   Lauren Teixeira              Courtney Victoria            Michael and Courtney Zingale
         Christina Rossi              Paul Signore                  Louise L. Tetreault          Lori Viner                   Joanne Zito
         John Rubiano                 Carol-Ann Silvestri           Marie Thibeault              Michael Visaggio
         Christa Ruggiero             Tara Siravo                   Nancy Thibodeau              Stephanie Vito
         Carl Sabourin                Thomas Skorup                 Anna Thomas                  Margaret Votta

        Broaden Your Impact – Matching Gifts

        Children’s Friend would like to express our appreciation to the companies listed below for generously matching the charitable contributions made by their
        employees to support our mission. Check with your company to see if they have a matching gift program!

         AbbVie Employee              Citizens Charitable Foundation  Gap Foundation             Liberty Mutual Foundation    Oracle
           Engagement Fund
                                      Coverys Insurance Company     Gilbane Building Company     Markel Corporation           Providence Equity Partners
         Amica Companies Foundation
                                      Delta Dental of Rhode Island  Google                       Medtronic, Inc.              State Street Foundation, Inc.
         Bank of America              FM Global Foundation          Kahn, Litwin, Renza &        Microsoft Corporation        Verizon Foundation
           Charitable Foundation
                                                                     Company, Ltd.
        Contracts That Generate Revenue

         Family Service of Rhode Island  City of Pawtucket          Rhode Island Department      Rhode Island Department of   US Department of Health and
         Local Initiative Support     City of Providence              of Education                 Human Services               Human Services
           Corporation                Rhode Island Department of    Rhode Island Department      ServeRI, AmeriCorps          United Way of Rhode Island
                                        Children, Youth and Families  of Health                    Rhode Island
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