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Holiday Drive

        The Spirit of Giving Holiday Drive by Children’s Friend, a tradition for over 30 years, reached more than 1,060 families and 2,500 children in 2023,
        providing them with clothing and toys. This initiative stands out for its personalized support, ensuring gifts meet the specific needs of those served, and
        extends its care beyond the holiday season.

        A family where the mother is struggling to provide her children with essentials such as food and clothing. A family of four where both parents are work-
        ing, but with the ever-increasing cost of living, they are barely getting by. A family of three where the mother has significant health issues and medical
        bills are piling up. These families, and many more, benefited from the overwhelming generosity of our Spirit of Giving Holiday Drive donors. A heartfelt
        thank you to all supporters who embody the true spirit of giving and strengthening our community.

        Special Thanks to Our Holiday Drive Sponsors

         Kim Abbaticola               Anchor Point Early            MaryAnn Ayers                Christine Ben                Benjamin Blakesley
                                         Learning Academy
         Liza Abelson                                               Azelis Americas              Cynthia Benson               Gilles Blanchette
         Jared Abrams                 Cleo Andersen-Tarnell         Palmira Azevedo              Jill Bergeron                Melissa Blanco
         Ben Achin                    Gail Anderson                 Susan Baglini                Victoria Bergevine           Blue Cross & Blue Shield
         Andrea Adelmann              Hollie Anderson               Linda Bagnera                Nicole Bertrand                of Rhode Island
         David and Michelle Agostini  Kiana Anderson                Jeanne Baldino               John Bettencourt             Blue Mile Transport
         Agostini Properties, LLC     Kristen Anderson              Kathie Ballantyne            Yousra Bibee                 Mary Bogdanow
         Jaqueline Albeno             Thomas Anderson               Bally's Corporation          Pete Bilderback              Kaitlyn Boisvert
         All Saints Attleboro         Arnold Andujar                Bank of America              Keryn Birrell
         All Stars Bar & Grill        Anita Antosca                 Bank of America - Academy    Betty Blackham
         Mary Allbee                  Arabella Project                for CI                     Blackie's
         Shirley Alleva               John and Kimberly Arcand      Miryam Banuelas              Emily Blackwell
         Alex Almeida                 Glen Archambault              Kristen Banville             Jared Blake
         Heather Alves                Sara Archambault              Selcon Barnard               Nick Blake
                                      Nicole Archibald              Nakida Barrett                                                                         NURTURING CHILDREN. EMPOWERING FAMILIES.
         Susana Amaral
         Maria Amaro                  Dawn Arpin                    Katelynn Barsamian
         Amica Companies Foundation   Katie Arriaza                 Lori Bassett
         Amica Insurance Company      Daniel Asaro                  David and Sheri Bastis
         David Amirault               Audrey's Coffee House & Lounge  Baystate Physical Therapy and
                                                                      MCR Chiropractic
         Karen Amores                 Parker Austin                 Tamara Baytch
         Lynne Anastasia              Kamilah A'Vant                Kaitlyn Bedard
         Stephanie Anatone            Avanti Dezigns/Salon
                                      Meaghen Avila                 Kristen Belcourt
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