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Foster Care is Community Care

        It is crucial for children to grow up in secure and nurturing environments. In their early years, children are in the process of forming connections, learning to
        communicate, and expressing affection. They are also building self-esteem and a sense of self-worth. Children's Friend's foster parents fulfill a fundamental
        need and sow the seeds for a healthy future. Our foster parents come from diverse backgrounds but share a common dedication to positively impacting
        a child's life. A heartfelt thank you to our devoted foster parents who generously open their homes and hearts to children in need.

        2023 Foster Parents

         Didia and Ricardo Aguiar     Lisa and Shawn Carr           Shirley Fraticelli and Alex Miller  Lisa and Dino Messina  Stephanie Romano
         Megan and Jeffrey Bain       Jiz and Phillip Caspers       Melissa and Amanda           Liz and Scott Michael        Deidre and Dan
                                      Janet and Keith Cornell                                    Stacy and Julio Murga
         Lori Basile                                                Richard Kullander and                                     Tara Simonini and Noah Ganzer
                                      Julie and Rick Doire            Stephanie Marrotte         Dianna Odell and
         Nathan and Tamara Bonds                                                                   Matthew White              Deborah and Tim Steen
                                      Ruth Duval                    Janet and Brian Lacroix
         Abigail Borden                                                                          Krystal and Anthony Pezza    Brian and Alexander Terry
                                      Tammy Eaton                   Gail Lufkin
         Michael and Thea Brennan     Erica and Steven Emond        Marissa and Eric             Stephanie and Matthew Plain  Tiffany Townsend
         Meredith Burkett             Eugenia Ferreria and Kevin Cliff  Marandola-Schaumberg     Tyler and Chris Ramos        Tiffany and Apricio Zunum
         If you would like to learn more about becoming a foster parent, visit
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