Page 126 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
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think we are. Our perceptions reflect our needs, expectations, attitudes, values and beliefs. We see what we believe. Research shows that rather than passively
        recording details we actively process incoming stimulation, focusing on some aspects while ignoring others. And so it is with your beliefs and thoughts.

        Stress, misunderstanding and conflict often occur when our perceptions are inconsistent with the way in which we are perceived by others. Having the courage
        to explore these differences enables us to reassess our point of view.

        Research shows us that we hold onto our perceptions tenaciously even in the face of contradictory evidence. We will be more likely to alter our perception of
        the contrary evidence than our own opinions. What is called for, is a greater sense of awareness and acceptance of alternative perceptions.

        We often go through a process of denial, refusing to question our perception of ourselves and our world, even when faced with overwhelming evidence to the
        contrary. For this reason, the first step in self improvement is to question and change irrational thoughts and limiting beliefs as described in previous chapters.
        Chapters that follow will provide further assistance in specific areas that are known to be successful in the transformation of thought and belief.

        The attitude factor

            •  Our thoughts, feelings, and actions constitute our attitude.
            •  Our attitude controls our life experience and our ultimate destiny.
            •  We unlock our true potential by understanding and controlling our thought
            •  85% of the factors that contribute to our results relate to attitude.
            •  Only 15% of the factors that contribute to our results relate to skills and knowledge.

        Thought vibrations

                Every thought that you send out is a vibration which never perishes. It goes on vibrating every particle of the universe and if your thoughts are noble
                and forcible they set in vibration every sympathetic mind.

        Unconsciously all people who are like you take the thought you have projected and in accordance with the capacity that they have, they send out similar
        thoughts. The result is that, without your knowledge of the consequences of your own work, you will be setting in motion great forces which will work together
        and put down the lowly and mean thoughts generated by the selfish and the wicked.

        The way you think

                Everything that happens to you, everything you become and accomplish is determined by the way you think, by the way you use your mind. As you
                begin changing your mind, you begin changing your life. But how did you get to where you are today? What formative influences have combined to      Page126
                make you the person you are right now? Why do you think and feel the way you do, and what are the factors that have brought you to your current
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