Page 130 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 130

Similar Thoughts Attract

        In the thought world, the great law “Like attracts like”, operates. People of similar thoughts are attracted towards each other. That is the reason why the maxims
        run as follows: “Birds of the same feather flock together,” “A man is known by the company he keeps.”

        The mind has phenomenal ‘drawing power’. You are continually attracting towards you, from both the seen and the unseen sides of life, forces, thoughts,
        influences and conditions most in tune to those of your own thoughts.

        In the realm of thought, people of similar thoughts are attracted to one another. This universal law is continually operating whether we are conscious of it or

        Understand the Laws of Thought

                Every man should have a comprehensive understanding of the laws of thought and their operations. He can utilize the helping forces to serve his ends
                in the best possible manner.

        He can neutralize hostile forces or antagonistic situations. Just as the fish swims against the current, so also he will be able to go against the hostile currents by
        adjusting himself properly and safeguarding himself with suitable precautionary methods.

        The alternative is that man becomes a slave to his thoughts. He is tossed about helplessly by various currents. He is like driftwood on a river, a ship without a
        rudder. He may be miserable and unhappy, although he may be wealthy and possesses everything.

        Understanding the laws of Thought, you can mould or shape your character in any way you like. The common saying, “As a man thinketh so he becometh,” is
        one of the great laws of thought. Think you are pure, pure you will become. Think you are noble, noble you will become.

        Become an embodiment of good nature. Think good of all. Always do good actions. Serve, love, give. Make others happy. Then you will reap happiness. You
        will get favourable circumstances or opportunities and environments.

        If you hurt others, if you gossip, scandal or mischief monger, backbite, tell tales, if you exploit others, if you acquire the property of others by dishonest means,
        if you do any action that can give pain to others, you will reap pain. You will get unfavourable circumstances or opportunities and environments.
                This is the law of thought and nature. Just as you can build your good or bad character by good or bad thoughts, so also you can shape your favourable
                or unfavourable circumstances by doing good or bad actions.
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