Page 134 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 134

Perception Cycle Exercise

        The Perception we have about a person or event, feed the thoughts we have about them or it. The thoughts we have create the emotions in our mind.
        Emotions are powerful. Left unchecked, they forge our views of the person or event. Our views invariably lead to the action we take, with positive or
        negative consequences. The action we take cerates results.

        Think of a person or event that is causing you stress or anxiety. With empathy and sympathy, try replacing the perception you currently have with an
        alternative. Put yourself in the other persons shoes to recreate their view of things. You can also do this to affirm that your perception is in fact correct.

        If you’re unhappy with the results you are getting, change your perceptions and watch the results change with it.

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