Page 139 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 139

Feelings are messages from within us. Feelings tell us whether we are on track or off course. Contentment tells us we are getting what we need. Discomfort
        tells us we are unfulfilled. Feelings guide our choices and confirm their correctness or otherwise by the pleasure we experience. When we can see an overview
        of our general feeling strategy, we really get to learn who we really are as people.   We define ourselves to some extent, by what we like, and our feelings
        determine what we like to do.

        Feelings help us to live in this Universe. Feelings are part of our survival mechanism, alerting us to dangers, excesses and shortfalls. Feelings enable us to
        respond to stimuli is all areas, from art through to Zen. A psychologically healthy individual responds with feelings to everything experienced.

        Emotions generate energy within us
        Emotions are valuable.  We have seen that emotions cause a chemical and energy reaction within us, to confront  challenges and appreciate pleasurable
        Emotions add depth to communication. The add force, depth and texture.

        The Emotions of Anger and Fear. These are usually considered negative because they disrupt our harmonious existence. The disruptions however, occur
        because of our failure to manage them properly rather than because the emotions themselves are bad. Because of our inability to manage them, anger and fear
        are often repressed, damaging our psychological health. These two emotions create a vibrational turbulence of our energy, blocking our ability to make sound
        decisions, to think rationally, to tap into our intuition and use our common sense.

        Feelings and emotions energise your thoughts

        We have learned that by visualizing a mental image of a desired object or situation, you can attract it into your life. In this way you can change and shape your
        life, behaviour and circumstances.

        There are many effective techniques to achieve this. One such technique, immortalised by Shakti Gawain is called Creative Visualisation. The technique utilises
        the power of thoughts, but thoughts alone are not enough to make things happen. Additional elements are required to transform your thoughts into action.
        These elements are your feelings and emotions.

        What would make you take action, a lifeless thought, or one charged with emotion?

        What kind of speaker magnetises your attention, someone who talks in a boring, lethargic manner, or one who talks with passion and emotion?

                People, actions and thoughts charged with the energy of emotion make a much stronger impact. For this reason, it is important to mix emotions with
                your thoughts, if you wish to make your thoughts a reality. Feelings and emotions inject life into thoughts and make them produce effects in the
                external world, the same way that electricity makes appliances work. Both electricity and thoughts require some sort of energy to make them work    Page139
        and produce results.
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