Page 143 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 143

The happiest most successful men and women are aware of the power of their thoughts and they are very conscious about keeping them positive and
                constructive. Your mind is such a powerful tool that you must control it with great discipline for it to consistently move you in the direction you want
                to go.

        Changing the way you think is not easy. It may be the hardest thing you ever do, but it will be the most valuable. Once you have made the firm choice to do
        something more important and valuable with your life, to achieve your own ideal of personal happiness, you absolutely must go to work on changing the way
        you think.

        Emotions and the young

        Imagine what our school systems would be like if we placed the same degree of importance emotional well-being as we do on intellectual competency. When
        we arrive at the stage of human development when our children understand how to express a full range of emotions such as fear, anger, peace, sadness,
        excitement, and joy, they will learn at a much earlier point,  how to express emotional truth, and how to develop good communication skills for healthy
        relationships. Our children would be so much better equipped to live full, satisfying lives, rich in experience with skills to handle the ups and downs that come
        our way in this life.

        Emotional truth is something which is so much lacking in our world. It is very simple and has its origins in childhood innocence. When it comes from this pure
        expression, it is immensely powerful.

        Negative emotions

                Negative emotions are main cause of unhappiness, underachievement and failure in life. At their worst, negative emotions adversely affect our physical
                and mental health. If they are the cause, then the effects can be seen in ruined relationships destroyed careers and wretched lives. They are harmful to
                you and if allowed to thrive, will obstruct your path to happiness.

                Nothing is more important than the elimination of your negative emotions. Peace of mind can only exist in the absence of negative emotions. You can’t
                be negative and at peace at the same time, the two conflict.

        The deeper my studies into this area took me the more I was surprised to discover that most of the problems that I have experienced in life had their origins in
        negative emotions of one kind or another. It became clear if I could find a way to eliminate negative emotions, my life could be wonderful.

        I also recognised that by failing to eliminate my negative emotions, I would prejudice all my efforts and kill most of the joy and pleasure from anything I
        managed to accomplish. I have to confess that destructive emotions have been responsible for more grief and pain than I care to admit.                      Page143
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