Page 144 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 144

Negative emotions are completely unnecessary and unnatural to us. They serve  no useful purpose, only destructive ones. They are the major cause for men
        and women to fail to grow and evolve. The good news is that you do not have to tolerate them at all, if you consciously choose to get rid of them.

        Until I started to investigate this subject, I had always assumed that negative emotions were normal responses. Partly from parental conditioning I suppose, I
        thought that they were a part of human nature, to be accepted as inevitable, after all mom and dad had said it was natural, and moms and dads are always right
        aren’t they?

        Consider this. Have you ever seen a negative baby? Every negative emotion that we acquire as adults, we had to learn, starting in childhood, through a process
        of conditioning, programming, imitation, practice, repetition and reinforcement. Since negative emotions are learned, like most things, they can be unlearned,
        and you can wipe them out of your life like a mud stain from a clean floor.

        Don’t worry if you have suffered with negative emotions for a long time. Suspend your disbelief and resistance to the idea that they can be eliminated, they
        can. Whatever you choose to believe, with feeling, becomes your reality. If you continue to believe that negative emotions are helpful to you, then they will
        remain a part of your life. However, you will know in your heart that the negative emotions you have experienced serve no useful purpose. Accepting this is
        the first step to getting rid of them.

        How to eliminate negative emotions

                Remember the perception cycle. Your conscious mind can only hold one thought at a time, positive or negative, and you can deliberately choose that
                thought. You can replace a negative, destructive thought with a positive, constructive one, and in doing so, push the negative thought out of your mind.

        Whenever you feel a negative emotion appearing, you can immediately cancel the thought that is causing the negative emotion by saying, very firmly, "I am
        responsible for what I think, You are not welcome. I am replacing you with (more positive thought)”

        This is the most powerful of all strategies for mental control. These words put you back in control of your emotions. The words "I am responsible!" switch
        your mind immediately from negative to positive. They make you feel calm and relaxed, and let you to see the situation with greater clarity.

                Your willingness to accept responsibility, and the elimination of negative emotions will determine your future happiness and peace of mind.

        Pause for a moment and think back over your entire life, past and present. Reflect on the influential events, selections and people exercise you completed in
        the chapter entitled “How did I get here?” Scrutinise each memory or situation where you were the decision maker, that makes you feel negative in any way.
        Then neutralise any negativity associated with it by simply saying, "I am responsible," over and over. Bear with me on this.

        Whatever your difficulty or problem, you played a part. In most instances, you were free to choose, and you are still free. You probably knew at the time that   Page144
        you should not be doing it, choosing it, or permitting it, but you went ahead anyway. So accept that you are absolutely, completely, 100 percent responsible
        for your situation, for the consequences of your decisions.
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