Page 140 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 140

In order to bring your desires and thoughts into reality, you need to charge them with emotional energy. Thoughts that are charged with emotional energy have
        a greater effect and can drive them into action.

        If you want to achieve anything through constructive thought strategies such as creative visualization you need to energize your thoughts. You can do this by
        producing positive and happy feelings of success and happiness, and associating them with your goal.

        We have all have experienced at least some sort of success or happiness in our life. Even small experiences count. Remind yourself of that success or happiness
        and relive how it felt it in your imagination. Visualize the event as clearly as you can, and let the positive and happy feelings of pleasure you experienced at
        that time come alive again. Relive and relish the happiness, exhilaration and feeling of happiness that you have brought back into your awareness.

        While in this happier, constructive mental and emotional state, start visualizing your current goal, while at the same time continuing to relive in your imagination
        the feelings and emotions you felt. Attach those feelings to your present goal. Feel as if you have already accomplished it, and you are feeling great, happy and
        satisfied. This action alone will inject energy into your thoughts and make them stronger and increase the possibility of realising your goal.

        With practice, you will arouse these happy feelings of success and accomplishment, without having to relive old experiences.

        By charging your thoughts with a fresh emotional energy you can accomplish wonderful things. You set energy forces into action that will bring you the
        opportunities, tools or people necessary to accomplish your objectives.

        The law of emotion
        You will understand from the preceding paragraphs that emotions are the energy that turn a mere thought into reality. The more emotionally you feel something,
        the greater effect that thought or event will have on your life. Emotion can be either constructive or destructive, depending on how it is used.

        100 percent of the decisions you make and the results you will get are based on emotion. Everything you do is driven by an emotion of some kind.

        For many of my adult years, I focused on always applying logic, practicality, common sense. Learning about how emotions influence our lives taught me that
        if I only relied on the logical answer, I was cutting myself off from the benefits of those emotions that could help me make better decisions.

        There are many hundreds of individual emotions but there are only two driving categories, those of LOVE and FEAR. LOVE or FEAR of some description,
        are the main drivers behind most of what you do, or don't do. Not surprisingly, our mental programming and conditioning produces consequences here too,
        finding ourselves involved in far more activity to avoid fear than to satisfy desire.

        Fear of all types paralyses so many of us.
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