Page 149 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 149

Perception Cycle Exercise

        An exercise in emotional expression

        Just for fun, try this exercise.

        On the pages that follow is a list of emotions and feelings. Find a place where you can experience quiet, uninterrupted peace. As you read the emotions on this
        list, select an emotion to ‘play with’. Soak up the emotion, think of circumstances or people that will allow you to experience the emotion fully. Invite the
        emotion into your mind, whether it invokes positive or negative qualities to you. Allow each emotion you select to become your friend. The more deeply you
        role play with each emotion, the more you will become aware of the physiological changes each emotion creates within you.

        After you have done this and are able to feel the emotion fully in your body, now say the words, "I feel (excited) ," or "I feel (shy)   ."  Then notice how much
        of the emotion is conveyed through the words, not to judge yourself, but to be able to get more and more comfortable with full emotional expressions.

        Some emotions will be fun and easy, others may be more difficult and painful. It all depends on what your past experience has been. Many of the emotions
        will bring up memories for you, and this is wonderful and healthy. The more open you are to feeling whatever is there for you, the more transformed and healed
        you will become. Each emotion is a treasure, a gift of experience for you to broaden the quality of your life. Remember that all emotions are just different
        variations of the same energy, which is love.

        When you get comfortable with the emotion, try using it constructively in the world. Use those three simple words “I feel (happy)” with someone you are
        close to. Children are wonderful to practice on -- they will understand and respond. Focus on the emotional content. You can even express the emotion
        without the words!

        Then practice with adults as well. Do not be attached to others' response but focus on enjoying your own expression. That is the purpose of this - it is for your
        own health, truth, and expressing who you are.  Whatever others do with your expression, well this is up to them. Truth attracts truth. Your true and pure
        expression of emotion will most likely stimulate some kind of inner emotional truth for them as well. It may be fear, anger, delight, or defensiveness. Whatever
        the response is, appreciate what is unfolding in them.

        You might also use this list to check in with yourself periodically throughout the day to ask yourself, "What am I feeling right now?" See if you can identify
        the feeling, or just refer to the list to find an emotion that fits.
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