Page 150 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 150

Another way to use this list is as a game of emotional charades. One person acts out the emotion while the other guesses the emotion. You can do this between
        lovers to add emotional depth to the relationship.  Also, it will help to teach your children to identify their own feelings.  The bottom line is to have fun and
        learn as much as you can about yourself.

        Good Luck and have fun !

         Abandoned           Bewitched         Despair                  Giggly               Jolly            Proud             Sorrowful              Weary
         Abhor               Bitchy            Despondent               Glad                 Jovial           Provocative       Sour                   Welcomed
         Ablaze              Bitter            Devoted                  Glee                 Joy              Provoked          Sparkling              Whining
         Abominable          Blessed           Devoured                 Gleeful              Joyful           Quarrelsome       Spastic                Winsome
         Abrasive            Blissful          Discomfort               Gloom                Jubilation       Quenched          Spicy                  Wistful
         Absorbed            Blunt             Discontented             Gloomy               Languid          Quiet             Spirited               Woe
         Absorbed            Boiling           Disgust                  Glowing              Languish         Quivering         Spry                   Woeful
         Absurd              Bored             Dismal                   Gnawing              Laugh            Quivery           Stoic                  Worked up
         Abused              Bothered          Dispassionate            Good                 Laughingly       Radiant           Stranded               Worried
         Abusive             Brave             Displeased               Goodness             Lethargic        Rash              Stressed               Wounded
         Accepting           Breathless        Disregard                Grateful             Light hearted    Raving            Stricken               Wretched
         Accommodating       Breezy            Disregarding             Gratified            Lively           Ravished          Stung                  Yearn
         Acknowledged        Bright            Distracted               Gratitude            Loathe           Ravishing         Stunned                Yearning
         Acquiescent         Broken            Distressed               Grave                Lonely           Ready to burst    Stunning               Yielding
         Acrimonious         Bruised           Disturbed                Grief                Lonesome         Receptive         Subdued                Zeal
         Admonished          Buoyant           Doldrums                 Grieving             Long-suffering    Reckless         Subjugated             Zealous
         Adoration           Burdensome        Don't mind               Grim                 Lost             Reconciled        Suffering
         Adored              Bursting          Doomed                   Griped               Love             Refreshed         Sulky
         Adventurous         Callous           Droopy                   Grounded             Loved            Rejected          Sunny
         Adverse             Calm              Dull                     Gushing              Loving           Rejection         Supportive
         Affected            Captivated        Eager                    Gusto                Lukewarm         Rejoice           Surrender
         Affectionate        Captivating       Earnest                  Haggard              Luxurious        Relish            Susceptible
         Afflicted           Careless          Easy                     Half-hearted         Mad              Repressed         Suspended
         Affronted           Caring            Ecstatic                 Hardened             Manic            Repugnant         Sweet
         Afraid              Celebrating       Electric                 Harsh                Martyr           Resentful         Sympathy                            Page150
         Aggravated          Chagrined         Enchanted                Having Fun           Meddlesome       Resentment        Taken advantage of
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