Page 152 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 152

Armoured            Dazzled           Fretful                  Insouciant           Piquant          Simmering         Unimpressed
         Aroused             Dazzling          Frigid                   Inspired             Pitied           Sincere           Unruffled
         Arrogant            Defensive         Frisky                   Interested           Placid           Sinking           Used
         Astounded           Dejected          Frustration              Intimidated          Plagued          Smug              Vexed
         Attentive           Delectable        Full                     Intrigued            Pleasant         Snug              Victim
         Avoidance           Delicate          Fuming                   Inviting             Pleasing         Sober             Victimised
         Awkward             Delighted         Fun                      Irrepressible        Pleasurable      Sobering          Vivacious
         Beaten down         Demure            Funny                    Irritated            Pleasured        Soft              Volcanic
         Beautiful           Depressed         Furious                  Irritation           Pressured        Solemn            Voluptuous
         Bemused             Desirable         Galvanized               Jaunty               Prey to          Sombre            Vulnerable
         Betrayed            Desired           Gay                      Jealous              Pride            Sore              Warm
         Bewildered          Desolate          Genial                   Jittery              Protected        Sorrow            Warm hearted

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